Ryans Reef


Here is a quick pic to quell your demands! Its colors have faded quite a bit since I picked him out but he will look much better come tomorrow.
um...it looks pretty. haha just teasing. you poor guy. wat kind of camera are you using? i assume a phone. we shoulda done a yote and ryan fund
Its a kodak easyshare DX4530, its pretty old as far as digital cameras go, probably in the 4-5 year range. It works good for taking the usual family pictures but it really sucks for tank and nature photos(OBVIOUSLY) Im so embarassed to put up shots like this, I was a pretty decent amatuer photog back in the end days of the 35mm and still have my two nice cameras from then. I have a Nikon FM10 SLR and a minolta with thousands of dollars worth of lenses(camera body crapped out on me, something with the shudders they wont close all the way so I just ruin film) After I get a new car in the spring its numero uno on my list of crap to blow money on. Will be going with a new Nikon DSLR then.
The Nikon D40 and D50 models are worth looking at, although they were over my price range when I purchased my last camera. I think they run around $500. I'm told the D80 is extremely nice, but of course the cost is even higher.
At least we can tell its a wrasse:D
Its just flat out APITA to get a decent shot through glass with a point and shoot.They like to focus on the glass instead of the actual target.
The wrasse and the tang are playing follow the leader a little, not quite sure if its curiousity or a dominance issue yet. Also the cleaner shrimp has set up and now has a full blown detailing shop that the Kole tang visits regularly, Ive seen him cleaning the wrasse too. The clowns are just off in lala land. They dont do much at all really.
uh yeah i need an $1100 driving ticket paid off....does that count

Yeah! How on earth do you get a ticket that high? I had to pay $300 in tickets last month. It sucked. I tried to run from the Texas law, but the Texas law ended up finding me in Arizona :(
Is your license suspended until you pay it off? They did that to me once. Jerks.

With my ticket in Texas, it was for going 83 in an 80 on the freeway (what a joke). I did some research online and read that Arizona won't enforce out-of-state tickets for violations less than 10 mph over the limit. But then I got a letter from the Arizona DMV a few months later threatening to suspend my license unless I paid up, so I guess I had been misinformed :( By that time, it was a $300 fine.