Ryans Reef

I know that I promised pics this past weekend but I just havent got to it yet. I lost my favorite coral of the bunch. The Dr. Macs tri colored acro somehow came off the rock it was glue to and will probably never be seen again. Maybe Ill get lucky and it landed where it'll get som light but Im not holding my breath.
Losing a new coral that way sux.But it happens.
I doubt you'd find a reefer that hasnt had corals fall down into the rock work.
Yeah when I was at scotts place we found one of his favorite that fell. It had been in the stack for almost 8 months. What completely bleached out but the polyps still had color and back on the rock it went.

Just figures that it was the one I liked the most. Green base, white body with purple tips.
Ive been thinking of this quite a bit lately. I didnt really set my rock stack up to allow for enough room for corals. The stack down the middle would look great on a triple view set up but it eats up a ton of space now. Im thinking that after new year Im going to restack and probably add some more rock. Good idea or not so much?

EDIT Been thinking way too much lately. Im thinking that for the stocking plan on the 220 FOWLR will be aimed mostly at butterfly fish. I personally think that they are the prettiest fish in the ocean.
sounds like a lotta work. i would just restack now though. no sense waiting, plus you will feel more accomplished!
I'm with the crowd,if your gonna rescape,then go ahead and do it.And a lost coral,is plenty enough reason to justifiy it.
Maybe this weekend ill give it a go.

Alexander, I picked up another big tank a while ago gave it to my buddy to repay a favor and now have it again. Its going to be a FOWLR with a volitans, an angel or two and butterfly fish. Probably going to start it up in the spring. The best part of the whole deal is Janell is really into it and has given full backing of the cash expenses.
Wow that's really awesome! I wanna get that lucky! Haha! We got a 36 gallon back....ill trade you ;)
Holy smokes that's a once in a lifetime purchase! Lucky you. I think luck tends to run against me haha
Grabbed a ORA Hawkins Enchinata and a cleaner shrimp tonight. Pretty decent sized frag. I still owe pics from the last additions so I wont promise any from here lol