Ryans Reef

Here is a better shot of the Yumas

Oscar what is STN? The one spot is where the LFS cut another frag of the mother colony. This piece came from their propagation tank not wild caught.
Much better good luck with the corals. Great looking flow in the video. You should have a really nice reef in a couple years.
STN=slow tissue necrosis.
RTN-rapid tissue necrosis.

Usually one of those two usually starts from the bottom upwards.Who know what that bare area is,maybe Capt knows.
Those new adds look great.
Those spots could be where the coral blocked light from getting to those places,there fore causing that section to bleach out.
Woohoo! In a pay it forward type of situation Im getting a BUNCH of free SPS. I let one of the local reefers borrow my magnetic 250w ballast so in return he is "going to load me up" with SPS frags as payment(not that I expected any) since he has seen me getting into them in the last couple of week. Im excited for tuesday to come.
Scott keeps some VERY nice stuff and said I could pick anything that I wanted. He keeps a 90 gallon frag tank that the last time I saw was packed to the hilt so who knows what Ill end up with. Im not going to go hog assed about it but a few frags would be cool with me. He told me he could give me a tank full if I wanted but Im going to be respectful with the situation.
The kind that involves two part by Randy Holmes-Farley. Dont really have room for a reactor but if I did I would choose an Octopus with twin chambers because they have a spot for the Ph probe without floating it on a piece of styrofoam.
Just for conversations sake, if I do have the option of a calcium reactor, which is going to be the easiest to get dialed in and maintain on a daily basis? Then what do you do for alkalinity and magnesium?
I'm thinking I might look into the Geo reactors later on.But I have no idea which one would be the easiest to set up and use.
So here is the list of what Scott passed on to me;

Idaho Grape Monti. Cap.
Neon Green Hydnophora
Red Millipora
Dr. Macs Purple tip tri-color acro(white, green w. purple tips)
Teal Acro. Tenius
Pagoda Cup Coral(turbinera)
Blue Oregon Tort
blue-green-purple tri-color acropora

If I ever get a decent camera Ill put up some shots. Sick of posting garbage.
Yeah,your gonna need a reactor:D
Nice score Bud.And your pics aint no worse than mine.Show those SPS off.