Ryans Reef

Well I got a few additions today. I personally think that I got a smoking deal. $25 a piece for the two big frags and the red milli was a freebie as it didnt like his T5's and bleached on him twice.

Green Slimer Staghorn Acro.

German Blue Montipora Digitata

Red Millipora

I also picked up a twin chamber Phos-ban/Carbon reactor. Its the same model as provided by bulk reef supply.
Some new additions and updated tank shots.

Peach Milli--Might end up Rainbow has some greens and yellows on the encrustation.


Red Milli from last update, mounted finally.


Yellow Tang--Dime a dozen but find me a prettier yellow fish, grazes like crazy


Left Side


Right Side

As you can see Im still fighting my battle with nuisance algae, but its progressing. The algae doent grow in as thick or get its roots in as hard so it definately makes manual removal easier.
All of the sand I have in my tank was bought specifically for this fish. Ive had him less than 24 hours and Im already in love with it. It has made a den(still working as you can see) and piled the sand high! This is the only fish that I have ever seen that follows you with its eyes as you walk by the tank instead of swimming to the top looking for a meal. VERY COOL FISH, I would recommend one to anyone with enough sand for it to be comfortable.
It was a voracious eater at the LFS hes still a little shy, only ate a couple pieces during each feeding today, Im going to do a spot feeding tonight before lights out.