Ryans Reef

That's a thicker amount of diatoms(possibly some cyano/dinoflagellate) then I usually see during or even after the cycle.Seriously,I cut the lights to just a few hours a day.
Looking good to me. It will pass, I have some going in my tank for the past few days too. I threw some xenia in min eand it is doing good. I won some purple up and I have been dosing with that as well.
HAte to say it,But that looks more like cyano to me.And you can forget everything you've heard about cyano and water flow.If it wants to grow,its going to.
And I'm betting you wont have a cycle.With that much cured rock,the bacteria should already be established.
I havent been home since sunday, I get home tonight and its a little lighter in color but its all over the glass! Booo.
Gotta love how fast that stuff can cover a tank.
Might be a good idea to siphon it out and cut the lights off for a few days.
my whole tank was covered in that reddish brown diatoms. Sand and rocks. It was horrific! It means there is too much silicate in the water and it needs to be reduced along with phosphates.
Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 2.5ppm

Added the following CUC
10 Astrea Snails
10 Cerinth Snails
4 Nassirius Snails
2 Turbos
2 Fighting Conch
2 Emerald Crabs(Big male and Small female)
My personal favorite is a 4" Queen Conch.
Blew my weekly budget big time.
Well according to the LFS owner(RandyO from RC reefing guru) says that males get bigger and have the big fat claws, females stay smaller and have smaller claws.

Game its not my weekly reef budget it was my weekly everything budget. There will a serious lack of food and cigarettes for me at the hotel this week.
A 4'' queen-holy cow!Even clean-up crew are fascinating.

Look for some trochus snails if needed in the future.They move fast and have long lives compared to astreas,best snail ever!
Yep reef they are cool indeed. That queen is about 4" long and about as big around as a red bull can. Still waiting for signs of life from it and the two fighting conches They havent done much other than flip over which was cool in itself, a lot faster movement than I thought I would see from a mollusk.
Heres the conch, like a typical guy I guessed it a little off. its about 3 1/4"