Ryans Reef

I'm liking it, its coming along nicely!! I used about 110 pounds of sand in my 210, I like em shallow. Looking really good though.
270 sand? Wow! I'm starting with 100lbs sand, 150lbs rock, and I may add more if I don't like how it looks right off the bat
I picked up 100lbs rock/ 80lbs sand, snails, cheato, and two koralia 4's less than a month old (apparantly) for 380 bucks. gotta drive to Toronto to get it tomorrow
Sweet! I hope the drive goes well on this gloomy day!

I got to blast my first aiptasia today, getting a diatom outbreak on the sand too. Still not nitrites or nitrates maybe with the 80lbs of live sand and the established live rock I wont get a cycle? Do I want to put something in to induce at least a mini cycle or what? Thoughts? I know that I need to be patient. I do have several hermits and snails that have been alive in the stock tank with the live rock since I got the first batch back in May.
I'm sure happy to see water and rock in that tank:mrgreen:
I'm betting that with your rock and sand,that you wont have a cycle.I say get a fish in there and see how that goes.
oooohhhh CUC! Im getting giddy how many to start out? 10 astrea, 3-4 narcissus, 2-3 small emeralds (to hopefully whack the hair and bubble algae that I have) 1 or 2 of those big Mexican Turbos? Cerinths or no cerinths?
Im not of fan of those D-9s we call Mexican Turbos.They tend to keep my corals knocked over.
I'd go with a couple of emeralds,maybe a few Ceriths,and about 20 Nassarius to start.
Ive GOT DIATOMS! holy. They send off about a bubble a second too is that normal? I dont think that its cyano due to the color, basically just brown.

Thats the front. Not a ton of flow where the sand is dark where its white there is a bunch. There is the same thing on the rocks directly below the halide and that is dead smack in the bulk of the flow.
All of the rock I used came out of a well established tank, then it sat in my 90gal with a skimmer rated for 300gal for 5 months getting a once a month 25% water change. Well half of it was in my tank half was in the former owners stock tank under the same conditions except mine got tons of natural sunlight and his was dark. The diatoms started the day after I hooked up the actinics.