d2mini's Epic Fantabulous New Reef Build

This is badass. Dude... if you EVER offer up frags of this I'm in!! EDIT: Ohh wait... that's an anemone? I guess you can't really frag that like you could a mushroom eh? :)

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dennis, those are the ugliest photos of snails I have ever seen. I hope you are ashamed of them ;)

But seriously, can you post just one ugly photo so that we know you are still human?
Dennis amazing tank Sir it looks amazing so far keep it up bro and like hand said can you please just post one not so awesome shout of your tank were starting to get complexes here hahahaha.....
Dennis amazing tank Sir it looks amazing so far keep it up bro and like hand(Hannah) said can you please just post one not so awesome shout of your tank we're starting to get complexes here hahahaha.....

This is what happens when you don't check voice txt on my cell hahaha...:Cheers::mrgreen:
Woah! What a night!
Just finished unboxing, acclimating and sorting a bunch of stuff from TBS! :bounce: :^:

First of all, think of the scale.... my tank is SEVEN FEET LONG!

I've got gorgonians and sponges coming out my butt!

Turbo Snails, purple urchin, serpents stars, cucumbers, blue leg hermits...

Really cool Star with dark body and orange spikes



More pics tomorrow once i figure out what the heck to do with it all!!! :faint:
So jealous. You've done a fine job. Kudos to Richard also. Dennis...wow... I really can't wait to see what this looks like in one or two years. Simply amazing job with everything. An inspiration to all of us.
I agree with Dana, can't wait to see what this looks like in a year with everything grown out.... Simply put, awesome!
LOL, i don't even know how many of those Astrea snails, probably.... 75 or something. And probably that many hermits.
There was 3 small serpent stars, the one large star, I think 4 large cucumbers and four small cucumbers, 3 or 4 peppermint shrimp...