d2mini's Epic Fantabulous New Reef Build

LOL, i don't even know how many of those Astrea snails, probably.... 75 or something. And probably that many hermits.
There was 3 small serpent stars, the one large star, I think 4 large cucumbers and four small cucumbers, 3 or 4 peppermint shrimp...

That's a shitload of snails and hermits. Will most of them end up dying?
Here's some shots of everything unbagged.
I am a bit... overwhelmed. :lol:






I have put my engineering skills to work on the problem of your overwhelmed tank, and the only solution is to bad up some of those gorgs and send them my way :D
Wow! Everything looks amazing!! One question, you used to have what type of camera you use in your sig. But I don't see it now. Could you tell me what type of Nikon you have?
Thanks! :)

Oops, i'll fix my sig. Camera is a Nikon D700.
Still have to fix the white balance in post though. The camera only goes up to 10k and my tank is around 14-20k.
I miss my red sponges. They really make the tank look great and the yellow ball I had. I was just by Richards yesterday. He lives by the car dealer. I want to actually get some sponges from him because he is waaaaaaay cheaper than the LFS.

Like a red ridge and a few gorgs. You almost don't need corals now.
lol, ya that green chromis is like woohoo! I've had him for a few years and this is his second upgrade. He's like the Jeffersons. haha And the stupid true percula clown i put in is staying up in the top left corner. A 7ft tank and this little 1" fish stays there!

Phastroh, that's exactly what I love about TBS when starting a new tank. You get so much color that like you say, you almost don't need coral. The tank looks mature right from the start. But as we know, the sponges don't last long term. So as they whither away I'll be adding more coral. Gives me plenty of time though. And this time I had a few decent coral left from my old tank. That monti is huge, love my galaxia, still have my clam, some zoas, and a couple sps frags. I'll still try feeding the sponges though, to keep them around as long as possible.

So yesterday I got my first REAL fish! An Orange Fin Tang, like this one.
SeaTradeMarine.com: Orange Fin "Tomini" Tang
You just don't see these very often and the store had him for a few weeks. Seemed pretty healthy to me. But unfortunately he is in hiding. Will try to get some pics when he comes out.
I LOVED my Tomini Tang!

We named him To-mater. He was the tinier of my three big boys (I had a Sailfin and the Niger Trigger, too) and he was the BOSS. Spunky little thing.