d2mini's Epic Fantabulous New Reef Build


1. Ya, cool to live nearby. The plane ticket was totally worth the experience we had.

2. The tunicates and stuff tend to disappear over time. We just can't provide enough food for them in our closed systems. The macros probably get munched on. But I've got some cool macros in my office nano tank that are doing awesome. Grew right out of the rock.

And ya, there is always clicking. Lots of pistol shrimps. They don't bother me. Waiting to see if any mantis come out of hiding. :)

cvcdrk, all the cool colors are various sponges and tunicates and macroalgae. You can also see tubeworms/feather dusters. The rocks also have various snails, crabs, shrimp and other stuff hiding inside that eventually come out. There ain't no live rock like this live rock. ;)
Wow that rock looks awesome with all the critters and what not!! I bet you will have something new to look at in your tank everyday with all the little hitch hikers you got! You sure are doing a fabulous job on this build! I know you will keep up the amazing work!! :)
The overflow is dead silent. Not sure of the dimensions off hand, I'm at the tampa airport. :) I think it's around 6"x6". The water level is at the top of the downturned elbows, about half to 3/4 full.

i want that rock too :-) .I insist to the overflow and I hope not annoy you. Your display is fully braced up and down? It is difficult to understand from the photos. What’s the distance from the to of the glass and the overflow, also from the brace to the top of the overflow?
Yes, the tank is braced at the top and bottom.
The top of the overflow meets up with the bottom of the bracing. So there is about one inch between the top of the bracing and the water.
Tested my water. I have not gotten an ammonia reading at all and my nitrates are 3 ppm. Looks like I'm good to go! Part II from TBS this week. Another 100lbs of rock and all my critters!!!!
Well that sucks about keeping all that great stuff. Man I remember all that cool stuff and the little things popping out of the rock and in filtering whatever they eat. Looked like little eyelashes popping in and out.

Basically the only things I have left is one Anemone that is HUGE now and one of the 2 Sea Cucmbers. It was like 2" maybe when I got it and no it is a little over 8".
Minus the sponges/tunicates, I had all my stuff left after 2 years. Most of my snails/hermits, 3 out of 4 cucumbers, all my stars, my gorgonians, the feather dusters...

It would be nice if the color from the sponges/tunicates remained, but everyone knows that stuff is pretty much impossible to keep alive in a closed system.
Did you ask what the deal was with the pool noodles in the tanks at TBS?

I didn't asked but it looked like they just helped keep some things separated. One of them had gorgonians shoved in them so they were hanging upside down.