d2mini's Epic Fantabulous New Reef Build

Cool, thanks!
I'll probably add gate valves in lots of places anyway just because it gives me a union to break things down if I need to.
Damn, I just read that article you posted hoopsdaddy, and it's such a shame! That tank was really really awesome. too bad he had to sell it all mid stocking.

on a lighter note, i'm so excited for this build! I cannot wait till I have room and money to build something amazing like this. Just gotta convince the other half it's a good idea...

I can only imagine the "honey, really, it's only 200 gallons.. in the dining room, really it's a good idea! I promise! money? No it's not expensive! "

Lol. Good luck I'll be reading.
Ok you sick sonsabitches.... the tank is officially ordered. :bounce:

It's an 84" x 24" x 24" from Deep Sea Aquatics, ordered through T&T Fish & Reef here in Houston. I believe due to size it will have the pvc bottom. Coast-to-coast overflow and drilled along the top of the rear panel for three 1.5" drains for a BeanAnimal Quiet and Failsafe Overflow System. Starphire glass on the front. I'm waiting to hear back, but I may be getting a support stand from DSA too because they will lengthen the tank warranty from 90 days to something like 7 years i think, and its one less thing to worry about sourcing.

Now we wait.... :neutral: