Yotes 125

I just bought the GHL Profilux elite, and it was a big toss-up between that and the RK. Hopefully it's pretty good....how do you like the RK yote?
I love my RK Lite.
I've got it set to control my lights along with the temp.If the tank falls below 78,the heaters come on.Above 79,it turns the fan on.At 80 degrees,it turns the halides off and at 80.5,all the lights on the tank go out.Plus I can see exactly what the temp is at a glance.
I do plan to either add another RK Lite,or an RK Elite sometime this next year.

I had intended on posting a pic of how I have the control module mounted on my stand for Evan,but I think my computers about shot its wad.:pissed:
any advantage in saving up to get the elite instead of the lite?

The Elite does a lot more than the Lite.
With the Elite,you can control the PH along with ORP and temp.Plus the Elite has 8 plugs where the Lite only comes with 4.
But the Lites costs right at $100 where the Elite is closer to 500.
The Elite does a lot more than the Lite.
With the Elite,you can control the PH along with ORP and temp.Plus the Elite has 8 plugs where the Lite only comes with 4.
But the Lites costs right at $100 where the Elite is closer to 500.

Don't worry about the pics Yote. I appreciate the thought good sir. I searched the web and saw what the whole set up looks like and that's all I was lookin for.

All I need is 4 outlets.:D My fixture has built in timers. I'd just like to have the temp. control. I've come home to find my temp. at 82+ :shock:. I've put my fans on a timer but it's hard to time out how long they need to stay on to keep the temp. stable. I'M SO EXCITED! I love new toys!
I know I'm gonna catch it for this.But I got some new additions acclimating as I type:bounce:
I was gonna wait till I got em in the tank and shot some pics.But I couldnt resist postin and upping my thread views:D
Alright.Heres the new additions:D
I got 6 of these little guys.Figured I could use a little more movement in the tank.I know this ones blurry.But those Chromis are like little blue bullets.:shock:

Also got a branching hammer to go with my wall hammer.
I'm also done with Montis.
Came home from work Tuesday evening and this is what my Orange Monti looked like.

Wednesday evening,it was completely white with no flesh what so ever on the skeleton.
Super nice! I love those guys, I want to put some in my 150 when I upgrade. Do they breed?

That's too bad about the monti - any idea why they won't last in the tank??
I dont think the chromis will breed.But wouldnt mind if they did.Free coral food.:D

I have no idea why I cant keep a monti.My acros are growing great and their supposed to harder to keep.I guess montis are just one of those corals that dont like my tank.:dunno:
Cool additions Yote...especially the hammer. And yeah, I'm sorry about the monti cap, maybe they're just not meant for your tank. We all have a coral that doesn't do well for us no matter how much we try, even though they are considered the easier corals to care for.
Yeah,I've tryed chalice and didnt have any better luck with them.
Acros,no problems as long as I can keep em in place.Oh well,I like acros better any way:D

I was actually trying to make my mind up when you called James.:mrgreen: Just took 5 hours to decide.:shock: