Yotes 125

Yote your tank looks awesome. I don't post in these tank showcase threads too much because I just don't have the time to read them all. But yours is one that I check out almost daily. Love the new monti!! :bounce:
Yep Alexander,its a capricornis.I'll try to get some better shots of it if I get home from work in time tonight.

Yeah Smitty.Theres plenty of flow in there.MAkes it kinda tough to keep the sand where I want it though.

Thanks Chris.The tank still looks empty,but I'm trying to get it filled up.:D
If I could only get more time to get into the store to help em out,I could fill it a lot quicker.
Well folks.Heres the new pics I promised:D
My Orange Monti.
I just moved it up off the sand about 4 inches this morning.

Heres another shot of the Monti
Heres what I like to call the purple plague

Yes,That is branching coralline algae and it WILL take over.

And just for giggles,heres a new FTS.
Dennis,Its a type of coralline algae.Its pretty,but it sucks calcium and carbonate right out of the water.Plus it grows quick.
Glad we got an updated fts yote! Love the monti. Montis are one of my fav corals. Looks like your other sps frags are creepin along. Is that a gorgonia in the center?
Yep,thats what it is :D I got it as a hitch hiker on a piece of live rock when I first set my old 75 up.It was just about 1/2" tall then.
That ones been extremely easy to keep happy. It survived the bad dino outbreak I had back in the spring,and it was completely covered in that crap.But I have noticed that it really gets happy when I dump a thawed cube of cyclops or rotifers in the tank.It'll even take small pieces of mysis.