Yotes 125

Yes, Yote is known for the cyclone effect. He tried to get me to put a # 4 in my nano. Well not really but we did discuss what would happen if I did. I instead have opted for 2 nano's.
Maybe you should put in the cave shrimp from jon's? But how about a Lobo?

I been thinking about one of the Lobo's at the store.But I honestly think I got too much flow for one.But may try it later on:D

Holy crap and I thought I had a lot of flow with 2 K4s and a 500 gph return! That's crazy.

Just think.I actually cut back on flow quiet a bit.I cut it back by about half 3 or 4 months ago:D
I been thinking about one of the Lobo's at the store.But I honestly think I got too much flow for one.But may try it later on:D

You definitely have too much flow for a lobo. I tried to keep one in my 240, and I couldn't find anywhere on the sandbed that didn't get too much flow for it. It's flesh was literally peeling off of its skeleton.
Well I intentionally had my powerheads positioned so that nothing could land on the sandbed and stay there -- it would immediately be kicked back up. To keep my tank cleaner. And even fat little corals weren't an exception!
Well,I decided that I would give Monti's ONE more try.So tonight I brought home an Orange Monti cap.It'll be tomorrow before I can get the pics up.My wife drained the camera battery this evening.:sad:
Oh Yote, Yote, Yote... You should know better than anyone else on here: Pics or it didn't happen.

she makes a great point

YADA YADA YADA :mrgreen:

Heres a quick shot of the new Monti.:D
I'll try to get some better shots later.


Might help If I actually posted the pic:D
Hey Joe, do you have a gyre set up with your flow or is it all topsy turvy? With your SPS addiction a Korrailia powered gyre would be ideal! Then some sort of wavemaker to break it up. I know Im not telling you anything new but I am actually starting to get VERY excited about reefing again instead of just plodding along.
My flows basically just Topsy turvy Ryan.I've got it so that the flow is pretty chaotic in there.
HOWEVER.I am considering adding a couple of Koralia Magnium 7 set up on a waver maker,just for a little extra wave action.Just have to see how far the funds stretch.
I'm also planning on a completely sump over-haul and the addition of an ETSS skimmer ,Something along the lines of the ETSS 800 or bigger.
Hold out on the K7's Yote, in this months edition of Coral Magazine(thanks again Solarfall!) Hydor is coming out with a new line of Korailias that are smaller, more powerfull and more efficient. They are titled the 750, 1050, and 1400(for the gph they will push) 4.5, 5 an 5.5 watts respectively. The 1450 is about 1/2 the size of a K4. The best thing about them is that they will finally be CONTROLABLE without risk of burning up the motors! They are touting 50% more efficient and 20% more flow, they sound great to me.
Yote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn't you post about wanting th ETSS 3 weeks ago?!?!?!! One of the local guys up here just sold an ETSS 800 w/ an Iwaki 55 for $275~!~~~

Dude I wish I would have known....:(
Hold out on the K7's Yote, in this months edition of Coral Magazine(thanks again Solarfall!) Hydor is coming out with a new line of Korailias that are smaller, more powerfull and more efficient. They are titled the 750, 1050, and 1400(for the gph they will push) 4.5, 5 an 5.5 watts respectively. The 1450 is about 1/2 the size of a K4. The best thing about them is that they will finally be CONTROLABLE without risk of burning up the motors! They are touting 50% more efficient and 20% more flow, they sound great to me.

I knew they were coming out with with new versions of the 1s-4s.But didnt know know they were going more powerful:D Yeah,I'll be holdin off for the new Koralias.

You finally getting the ETSS? I am jealous but I did order a sea hare today. After I am finished with him I'll loan him out to ya if needed.

I hope I dont ever need another sea hareMotor:D

Yote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn't you post about wanting th ETSS 3 weeks ago?!?!?!! One of the local guys up here just sold an ETSS 800 w/ an Iwaki 55 for $275~!~~~

Dude I wish I would have known....:(

Just waiting on my W2s so I get my tax money,then I'm gonna order an ETSS through the store.If I do that,I can get it store cost,which will save me 100 bucks over what I'd pay for a new one online.
But thanks anyway Ryan:D
Besides,I've just got seriuos in the last week about re-working my sump and upgrading my skimmer.