Yotes 125

Your tank is looking great! I am starting to get excited as mine is getting closer to being done! I can hardly wait to get some goodies too. It's soo tough to see you and James stocking up and to have to remain on the sidelines right for now...
Wow those Duncans are nicely opened. It almost looks like an anemone!

David,When I got those duncans there was only 3 heads.Now there is over 20 heads.

Your tank is looking great! I am starting to get excited as mine is getting closer to being done! I can hardly wait to get some goodies too. It's soo tough to see you and James stocking up and to have to remain on the sidelines right for now...

Well,Hurry up Bro :D

Lol, You are both going to be to blame when I start bringing frags home.

You can blame us all you want to.:mrgreen:

thats how yote waas feeling when i started posting all the sps i was getting so he blamed me.and i blame him for the addiction

Well that and the 2 or 3 months that I couldnt even get to the LFS because of the OT I was working.:D

Yote, those are awesome blastos. I love your ABT, too. How big is he right now?

Alex,He's about 3 1/2 to 4 inches right now.I've had him about a year and a half I guess.
Yote, Just read all 117 pages! Everything Looks AWESOME! I am thinking I am going to have to start spending all of my free time at my LFS and see what I can get! :mrgreen: I would LOVE to see a new FTS!
Yote, was that an ORA Purple Plasma acro that I saw?
And why aren't you able to keep montis again??? You're doing so well with acros!
Yote, Just read all 117 pages! Everything Looks AWESOME! I am thinking I am going to have to start spending all of my free time at my LFS and see what I can get! :mrgreen: I would LOVE to see a new FTS!

Thanks Leslee :D I'll see what I can do about getting an updated FTS tomorrow when the lights are on. It still looks empty with all the free space left.:shock:

Yote, was that an ORA Purple Plasma acro that I saw?
And why aren't you able to keep montis again??? You're doing so well with acros!

Jag,I'm not sure if its a Purple Plasma or a Plum Crazy :dunno: When they were ordered,they were just marked as ORA frags.
I have no idea why I cant keep a Monti alive.Their supposed to be the easiest SPS to keep,but for some reason,they just dont like my tank.
No, it's a very religious camera.

Of course it is:D Had to put the rattlesnakes from church up:mrgreen:

So heres the FTS that Leslee asked for :wink:

As y'all can see,the tank still looks empty:shock:

And here is the new addition I picked up Friday.

You know what you need Yote, a giant mother f'ing torch coral.

Is that a sea fan or gorni in the front center? In either case, it looks like it's doin well! Your tank looks like it's had a lot of "experience" lol
Yep Evan,thats a Gorgonian.:D I got it as a hitch hiker on some live rock.
This is the same gorgonian when I first brought it home.

As for the "experience the tank has,not all of it was good :grumble: :D