Yotes 125

dang yote that is a very nice acro. we may just have to do some trades this summer if they grow good and fast. by the way that is a nice acro you got there. good color to boot
looking great, I love the color.
I dunno, it seems like everyone with lots of SPS has a calc reactor and is dosing a pharmacy worth of stuff.

Now when you got a tank full of SPS,then it does get more complicated.Thats when calcium and alkalinity start dropping like rocks,so you got to do something to keep it stable.So thats where either a calcium reactor or daily tests and dosing comes in.
Alright y'all.
Got ANOTHER new acro acclimating:bounce:
It'll probably be tomorrow evening before I can get pics though.The lights will be off before it gets acclimated.:sad:
Barely got this shot :D The actinics went out about 2 seconds after I snapped the pic.
But here's the new acro.:cheers: I'll get better pics of it tomorrow after I get home from work.:D