Yotes 125

Thanks y'all.
My Lamarck showed back up.He was just being lazy and hiding back in the rock.
Plan on ordering a new refractometer sometime this week.

Now heres the pics of my new Acan.

There looking kinda deflated cause the lights been off all day.
nice pic Yote - makin me miss my fish (BACK in AL til January) What color are they?

Their green and grey.I'll try to get some better pics if I ever get home from work in time.

Did come home to find my Lamarck Angel dead this evening.Not sure what happened there.But it came from a wholesaler out of Atlanta that we've some problems with.Every time we order from them,we loose 1/4 to 1/2 of the entire order.So when the store makes an order out of Cali,I'll order another Lamarck.
Yeah,and thats what pisses me off.But one things for sure.There'll not be another fish from that supplier going into my reef tank.
Thats how every fish that we've got from Atlanta does.They'll do great.They eat good,active,good color,then they die with apparent signs of sickness or stress.Just look in the tank and their dead.
I am going to call them when I get off work,and let em know EXACTLY how I feel about em after this one.
that sucks yote. i wa also thinking of getting one and the lfs said that the males are very spendy why is that i think the female looks better.
that sucks yote. i wa also thinking of getting one and the lfs said that the males are very spendy why is that i think the female looks better.
The only visual diff between a male and female is the male has a spot of yellow/orange on the top of it's head. I've seen both at my LFS and they were the same price.
Tus true he has ben working his hands to the bones. I was just hoping all of his hard work has been paying off, with some new addiions maybe!?

MAN I wish, Evan :grumble:

With all my overtime,I've not time to really maintain my tank like it should be.So I've got to get some issues straightened out with it before I can add any new corals.
Right now I've got one hell of cyano outbreak that I'm trying to get rid of.Plus I'm trying to save back enough cash to work in a new ETSS skimmer.Actually thinking about this one.
Champion Lighting & Supply :: Protein Skimmers :: E.T.S.S. :: AE Tech ETSS 800 XR Profesional Gemini Protein Skimmer

I also been thinking that maybe I need some more fish.I've one got 4 fish in the tank.
hey Yote, I just put the ETSS evolution 750 in my tank, and their footprint measurements are misleading. They don't include that white and red ball valve thing in their measurement. you need A LOT of space to fit those skimmers in your sump. If you have the space and height to do it, I totally love mine-- once I got it installed properly, it works like a champ and had gunky skimmate in only 3 days. just my 2cents