Stag's 125 build

So Ive changed up my fish plans

I got a solor wrasse saturday. Saw it for the first time today when I fed. It ate so thats good.
Im not getting any anthias.
Im getting Hippo, Yellow, and Kole tang and a blenny, and that will finish my stocking list.
Buying an ATO right now because im tired of refilling it every two minutes.
where did you find a hippo in the US? did you steal it from a zoo?

SHHHHH they are still looking for us.
I put a kiddy pool in my spare room for him
Dont forget to do a 100% water change everytime he takes a crap.
Man those things cause some wild parameter spikes.
so my roommate was taking care of the tank from wednesday to saturday. AKA feed it and thats it, because I havnt showed him anything about it.

when I got back. HOLY CYANO BATMAN!
IMO its better to let the tank go hungry for a short term than letting someone that doesnt know what they are doing feed<read OVERFEED>
IMO its better to let the tank go hungry for a short term than letting someone that doesnt know what they are doing feed<read OVERFEED>

He only fed once so He didnt overfeed.

So LFS was having a sale and I picked up 2 new mushrooms, ill post pics later.