Stag's 125 build

so what do you think I should get for my first new fish.
This is the list of what im getting.
Powder blue
Kole yellow eye
blue hippo
yellow tang
In this order according to aggression.

1)blenny and anthias[or vice versa]
2)kole and hippo same time
3)powder blue and yellow same time.
In this order according to aggression.

1)blenny and anthias[or vice versa]
2)kole and hippo same time
3)powder blue and yellow same time.

Sounds good. My LFS has 3 anthias at the store right now. Ill prolly pick them up mid next week or next weekend. Prolly next weekend cuz thats when I get money.

Anyone want to buy some hair alge??? lol
No, not just that. You can accustom your anthias to eat less frequently (I feed mine once every other day). They are just very sensitive fish that tend to die easily, and for no apparent reason (well, some of the types of anthias. Some types are pretty hardy).
arent they really only considered difficult because of their eating requirements

No,not just the multiple feedings.Some are deepwater and doesn't adjust well to bright lighting.Some also don't adjust to captive diets,many of the more difficult has to be started on live foods.There are another problem with anthias,many carry worms that only infect anthias.

Lyretails,good choice.Super easy and adjust to captivity,no problems.One male and two females is the way to go.
Thats what im doing. They have 3 lyretails at the store and have had them for a couple of weeks.
Im thinking on maybe getting a tang first to help with some of the alge.

still no sign of my crab.