Stag's 125 build

Looking good except for the algae. Throw in a emerald crab it'll take care of it.
hahaha funny story. I went to LFS today and bought some chaeto, while I was there I was trying to decide on an emerald, decided no. Came back home and then later 30 min before the store closed went and picked one up.
I just saw the coolest thing

i went into the living room, I look in the tank (my lights have 8 pairs of blue LED's) and see my goby out, good to see him, I look on the rock and there is the HUGE pistol shrimp eating the alge. I have seen him 4 times since i got him. HE WAS HUGE.

It was nifty.
so I went to LFS




got two maroon's and a nice piece of rock. With a nice discount.