Stag's 125 build

so I got a pic...but its not the best pic ever

but its still my clown hosting my hair alge

Dustin, that is my favorite fish ever. That sole fish is why I dropped all that cash for sand in my tank. But he isnt going to do a thing for Stags algae problem. Jawfish are carnivores.
will a blenny eat pods that are supposed to be for my mandarin? Will they get along?

No,they are herbivores but will eat just about anything you feed them.Scooters which aren't even a blenny will compete with a mandarin though.I've never had any problems having both,they get along fine.
I read a really interesting article about blennies in a current month issue of an aquarium mag.... but i cant rememer what one it was (i bought 3 the same day) And blennys feed on algae but it is believed that a lot of the nutrients that are taken in that are really beneficial to the health and longevity of the blenny is actually within the detritus that is built up within the algae, not the algae alone and that if it were just fed algae with not much bioload contribiting to the tank to give added dertitus that you would probably have more problems keeping the specimine healthy.