Stag's 125 build

Sorry no pics for now...finals week.

So either my hippo tang is playing an amazing game of hide and seek or it didnt make it...

for some odd reason I believe it is the second one.
Im so pissed right now im about to give up on the hobby.
I got a kole the other day when I got back in town.
It now has white spots all over it.
What the hell am I supposed to do . This is what happened to my hippo.

I cant get rid of the micro bubbles. When I do get rid of them my refugium overflows.
Im so pissed right now I dont know what to do.
Just picked up a 10 gal QT tank and the Kole is in it.
Got filter, tank, heater all for like 30 bucks. It was nice.
Ive got medicine in his tank and Im about to put some in the big tank to make sure the fish in there are ok.
Im about to head to Lowes to pick up some PVC to put in his tank.

Im going to get the micro bubbles taken care of in a few days.
Well im going to go get this PVC so I can come home and crack open a beer because right now I need one.
If its a medication that actually works,it'll kill your live rock and inverts.Plus if its one that says reef safe,then its not worth the money you'll pay for it.
Just QT the Kole and treat him.Maybe he'll fight it off.But I highly doubt it in a 10 gallon tank.Koles need a lot more room than that size tank will give him,so he's going to be stressed to hell and back.
There is no copper in the meds and the kole already looks bettter.
The owner at the LFS said the meds have never failed him and he has put it in his main tank at home and it worked fine. He gave me a free powerhead for the QT.

Im goin to get a beer.
Keep us posted. on the tang, if you can find those orange beannie anemone caps pick one up and wear it in front of the tank just below the tang and watch his colors go nuts as he struts his stuff. good luck on the other issues, hope all is doing well now.
ok here are some pics..

photographing fish that dont stay still is so much fun :frustrat::frustrat:





and just because I can.
awesome fish. one of my personal favorites. I have had my lfs looking for one for me for a couple months now. one came up on his list and died the day it arrived. So right now im slightly jealous.