Stag's 125 build

The cat has recently started to just sit in front of the tank and watch. I have seen him do it twice. He has had no intentions to try to get into the tank just watch.
So anywho I need some help.
Im trying to figure out what I want to put in the tank.
As of right now I have
2 clowns
1 wrasse
1 sailfin
1 goby

and I am thinking about putting in
royal gramma (other one died after having almost a year)
Kole tang
I was thinking a flame fin tang but since its also a bristle tooth or whatever like the kole I dont think that would be possible.
So what suggestions for another tang.
when you say flame fin tang do you mean desjardini tang? and if so i think you can add both of them and be fine because a kole tang is in the Ctenochaetus family, and the des is in the Zebrasoma family
Got a couple of pics...the torch is a longer exposure than normal.


So I just went crazy messin around with my camera... here are a few shots.






and my favorite because its in focus and as you start looking towards the farther part of the torch it gets unfocused.
The last torch I used a f/1.8 setting with my lens and I dont remember the time but I believe it was around 1/80 with gave me a white balance a little over zero.

And the first torch picture I just used like a second exposure time and a f/5 because thats the lowest it would go on that lens.