Ryans Reef

BigH, your new here so you dont know. There are two political parties here on Living Reefs, the Algae Filled Tank club members and those other guys. Im hoping to be a convert eventually, Biffy whats the other parties name I forgetted.
There is a guy i know from RC that have a Claurpa outbreak that made yours look like a nuisance. I dont know how he did it but it went away. Ask D french he should know.
That "OTHER" party as you call us,is the NAAO (No Algae Allowed Organization):D

The problem with algae,is when it dies,it releases all those nutrients its stored up right back into the water.Plus it traps and holds detritus and other waste therefore providing its own nutrient source.
Thats why I am hesitant to try a sea hare, ive read that they basically recycle phosphates by eating the algae and pooping out phos.
Heres another way to look at that.
Every animal in the tank produces phosphates.If it takes a crap,its releasing organic phosphates.Every time we feed,we add organic phosphates.So a hares not going to make that much of a difference there.
If it was me,I'd do a big water change,scrub every rock in the old water with a stiff bristled brush and then add some lettuce nudis and a hare to keep the algae gone.
The corals themselves don't look bad or unhealthy. How's your elevated magnesium going? I don't remember if you were using the DIY mag or Kent Tech-M mag to raise your levels. If you were trying the DIY and your mag is still high, I would do a big water change to drop it, then start dosing with Tech-M to get it back up. Supposedly there is an impurity in the Kent stuff that kills the algae.