monkiboy's tank thread

I confess. I'm a build-thread addict too. I could be cleaning, or cooking, or doing something else productive when my little guy is napping. Instead, I'm either staring at/fiddling with my tank or reading build threads........
so cassandra the hippo tang is gone to the LFS, finally.

took out all the LR, took out all the corals, took out all the fish, emptied the DT, cleaned it really proper, move my mp10 lower in anticipation of a new one that will be placed on the same wall but higher, aquascaped for four hours (probably more, am i crazy/is this normal?), finally got all the corals exactly where i wanted them , cleaned up, mopped the floors, clean outside glass of tank, and enjoy at close to 5am. i started at 9pm. it took some time, that's for sure but now i got my new look that i wanted, cassandra is in a better home, and i got room for more fishies and tons of corals!

i'll have pics up tomorrow - i hope you guys will dig the new layout!
I like the openness! More room for activities! Lol

yeah, i'll post better pics and a video shortly. i just rearranged some corals for better use of the flow.

you are going to run that with 2 mp10s?
that's the plan. have the one where it is now, lower and running at 35% or so, and then one above it about six inches running about 80%.

why do you ask? do you think this will work well or perhaps too much and i should just use one centered? never too much flow, especially with SPS on the way, right?
i dont think i would add 2. maybe like a koralia 750 below and the old mp10 on top? or a mp20? and sell the mp10?

pardon the confusion. i have ONE mp10 now. i was going to add ONE more.

after switching to the vortech pumps, i really couldn't see myself going back to a koralia or other pump. they are just so clean looking and i love the controller's feature-set.

there isn't an mp20 available. there is an mp10, mp40, mp60.

i would think two mp10s in the configuration i describe would be a proper setup. why do you not?
oh im sorry, i thought you meant a total of 3 mp10s. i was thinking you would have a damn tsunami! they made the mp20 in the past, i wasn't aware that they still didn't make one. i think two mp10s would be fine..
oh im sorry, i thought you meant a total of 3 mp10s. i was thinking you would have a damn tsunami! they made the mp20 in the past, i wasn't aware that they still didn't make one. i think two mp10s would be fine..
haha, yeah, that'd be a bit much for my little 46g :shock:

thanks for your opinion!
this is cassandra at the LFS - she seems quite a bit happier enjoying the extra swimming room. i'm so glad to have finally been able to catch her and get her in a new home.

oh, and these guys are in the storage room/bathroom of the LFS, haha.

Super kodos to you for finding her a good home :)
thank you, i'm much happier with her in a proper tank now.

SO, on that note -

can i get some fish suggestions. at the moment, i have a yellow tail damsel, an adult black & white ocellaris, and a bicolor psuedo/dottback.

both common and rare fish are welcome suggestions. i kind of want something unique, though and perhaps a bit rare to most people tanks with spectacular coloring or personality that is of course reef safe (my corals come first).

let me know your thoughts, please!
I personally like the look of wrasses. Like the flasher wrasse Hannah mentioned. They swim all over and have beautiful colors!
thanks for the suggestions! any others?

i like the goby fish but know they like to jump and i don't have space for a canopy or a lid or covering on my tank so that's a no go.

the blenny you pointed out is very pretty - it's a consideration for sure.

i dont mind if it is active or not, just that it is reef safe and colorful.

i'm willing to pay for a really nice fish that is a bit more uncommon but colorful. i like the gobies the swallow mouthfuls of sand and sift through it for food, but most seem to require at least 50g tanks or are not very colorful.

thanks for any other suggestions.