monkiboy's tank thread

THANKS EVERYONE! i've been so busy with the new setup and making sure everything is running properly and it is has without a hitch. just have to remember to mix salt water more often than i was doing my water changes before
, shhhhh....

Where is the full tank shot??
here's are some quick pics of progress...

i picked up two new pieces, a gorgonian and a bubble coral. these two are my two new favorites. the gentlemen at the LFS tossed in a new plate coral (i believe) for free with the purchase. i'm really digging the new place and am starting to develop a great relationship with them which is really helpful.



new baby growing off the side here:

just noticed last night two new heads growing on the back of the duncan. it now has five new heads growing!

here are the duncans just "waking up" before they fully inflate:

here's the plate coral that the LFS tossed in with my last purchases

the bubble coral which i really am liking. it has tons of personality reacting with the flow and other fishes.

and lastly the FTSs as requested. i know, i know i have some new aquascaping to do and i hadn't cleaned the glass in two weeks or so, but...

from the front:


thanks to everyone for your support and comments. it helps so much!
thanks folks, i really appreciate the encouragement!

so i dont recall who it was specifically but someone mentioned to me previously that my banded coral shrimp could become a nuisance and might need to be removed and that person was right.

mine is named larry the crab, yeah i know, but he's been a nuisance alright. he's been climbing all over the corals stealing food away from them and pestering. never really caused any damage but i dont like the idea of him grabbing food right from their mouths and i know he has plenty of his own food. the guy had grown pretty darn large (about 4" picher to pincher) and it was time for him to go. so i called my buddy up at the LFS but he said he just got four in and has one in each tank and you can't put more than one in each so he told me to keep me in my 'fuge until he can take him for credit.

grabbing this guy wasn't too too tough but boy does larry move when he knows he's being sought out. in the end his left claw got severed (weird how ginger you have to be with these guys) but he made it safely to the fuge.

and i know for a fact they grow these back because i've seen him do it twice now (and molting is different, i know) so he's in the fuge and i'll keep an algae sheet or some food floating around just for him until i can get him to the LFS. it's unfortunate because he has so much personality but i did not like him lounging at the fish and pestering my corals. bye bye one-armed larry.

so this is the first time in the few days that i've had the bubble corals that it's had these tentacles out. are these feeder tentacles? he has them out almost immediately as soon as food touches water, so that was my guess. if so, i'm glad i don't have to get him at night and he's "trained" to eat during the day. lots of fun to watch. i really like this LPS - just need a name for the guy.





here's a nice shot of emerson...


and i'm growing coraline like crazy on my side glass pieces and today noticed these white flecks growing everywhere. they are everywhere, on the all the LR, the crabs. and the walls and never seen them before. is it associated with the coraline?

what is this? i'll be sure to post up in the identification thread, too.




thanks for the help!

oh! i got a new fish, her name is candy. she looks scandalous but she's a bit shy and loves hanging out around the duncans and has managed to find the two smallest openings in the rockwork and has claimed them as her teeny little caves. she's adorable and has acclimated well. she's a bicolor psuedo.



and this is what i mean by scandalous. blowing kisses...

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Yep those are feeder tenticles. And the little white dots are spiroid worms. I think that's how you spell it. They make a hard white circular tube and stay in there staionary. They are harmless. They grow on eveything. I even have one on my new emerald crab, kinda funny looking. Very nice pseudo, she is so sassy! Haha
Some of those dots are also coralline too, but all can be remove from the glass with a razor blade.

I would also feed the bubble coral, I dont think that white is a healthy color. I could be wrong, but I dont think any photosynthetic animal should be white. But bubbles are super tough and should bounce back right away.

Cute fishie too!
ok, thanks guys!.

the bubble coral has been eating like crazy, haha.

the white is normal, at least from my research. just appears more "white" because of the marineland LEDs which don't offer much into the 15000K+ range

also, another question?

why do people want or care so much about getting coraline? all the threads i read about folks trying to get it and spread it and have it all over, it seems more annoying than anything. some on the rocks looks okay i guess but now all over my side glass? no thank you. is there some benefit or mentality with it, i dont understand?

thanks again!
ok, thanks guys!.

the bubble coral has been eating like crazy, haha.

the white is normal, at least from my research. just appears more "white" because of the marineland LEDs which don't offer much into the 15000K+ range

also, another question?

why do people want or care so much about getting coraline? all the threads i read about folks trying to get it and spread it and have it all over, it seems more annoying than anything. some on the rocks looks okay i guess but now all over my side glass? no thank you. is there some benefit or mentality with it, i dont understand?

thanks again!

Some people think that it's a sign of a healthy tank, others like the way a purple rock looks as opposed to a rock-colored rock lol. I like it growing on my rocks too but, it seems to grow faster on my glass especially in the places that I can't scrape it off of.
Some people think that it's a sign of a healthy tank, others like the way a purple rock looks as opposed to a rock-colored rock lol. I like it growing on my rocks too but, it seems to grow faster on my glass especially in the places that I can't scrape it off of.

yeah, i'm on the same mentality.

and why is it that i can't edit my posts unless it's within the hour i posted it. i just tried to edit some misspellings in my posts from last week and there's no option?

and how do we change the title of our threads? i'd like to change it so that it references the latest news or update in my thread for a snapshot of what has been posted.
