monkiboy's tank thread

seems kind of ridiculous that you can't edit your own posts or thread titles for convenience of the audience and readers. it also makes things easier/more accurate and provides for a better reference guide when you have thread titles that reflect what was happening in that stage of your build.
oh, and i grabbed a photo of the bubble coral in the middle of night. it was completely deflated and only it's skeleton showing. was pretty neat how dramatic the change is and the shape of it's skeleton.

I'm pretty sure the Ian (the site admin), said that it had something to do with the actual forum software. IIRC, it would have meant a lot of work to change it so that posts could be edited after a week. And if you need the title to any of your threads changed you just need to send them a PM with what you want changed.
I'm pretty sure the Ian (the site admin), said that it had something to do with the actual forum software. IIRC, it would have meant a lot of work to change it so that posts could be edited after a week. And if you need the title to any of your threads changed you just need to send them a PM with what you want changed.
thank you for the information!
Ian also told me that it prevents spammers from going back and adding spam links

This is why I thought the system works that way too. Normally, when a link is posted by a new person, it has to be approved by a mod (because spammers usually start spamming from their first post). Once you have a certain number of posts, your links don't need to be approved anymore. If there wasn't a time limit on editing posts, spammers could post one thing, go back and edit it later on, adding a spam link, and bypassing the mod approval process.

We get a lot of spammers on the site, and luckily hardly any of them get past the various roadblocks that Ian has put in place. It used to be really bad, but things are much better now!
i swapped bulbs from my fuge the other day. i set it up with a 3000k CFL flood because that is what i had laying around and things were seemingly fine. i was running it 12 hours a day. well i swapped it out with a 5000k CFL flood and run it about 16 hours a day and holy cow talk about growth. in just the week and half i had the new bulb, even two days after, i started seeing growth and the chaeto extending towards the light. it was amazing. in the last three weeks i've seen my tennis ball size chaeto go to bigger than a volleyball size. it's silly and i'm excited because my guy at the LFS doesn't get any and will buy it off from me. it's not a ton of money but he sells it fast and i grow it fast so it works really well.

also my nitrates and phosphates have never been so low and stable. just great!

here's a shot of the good stuff, haha. this is what it has grown into in about a month. just silly and exciting!


oh and tomorrow, i am gonna take all the LR rock of the display tank and grab cassandra (the blue hippo tang) and turn her in at the LFS. i've tried traps, i've tried shaping her and conditioning her to feed with a net in the tank, and i've meditated thoughts of catching her whilst feeding and it just was not happening.

i've wanted to change the rock work and make it more open and optimal for flow of the mp10 anyways, so this will be a good opportunity.

also, the coral growth has just been terrific under the marineland reef ready unit in the last two months. so much so, that i'm going to have to move them around to allow them to have more space as the hammer, frogspawn, GSP, and duncans are all hitting rocks and other barriers and i don't want their space to be hampered.

so a lot will happen tomorrow and hopefully a better flowing, more visually stimulating, and coral friendly environment will be the net result. oh, and i'll more than likely end up picking up a coral or two while at the LFS, i just don't see how that couldn't happen, haha. stay tuned!
Thats awesome monki! You can put that towards a coral fun fund!
i know!

this tank business has been non stop amazing since i started with you guys and i've learned so much and CHANGED so much. i look at my first intro post and just wonder what the heck was i doing! this is such a great addictive hobby. it's great, too, because i have my motorsports and racing during the spring/summer and now i have this during hte winter/colder months. it's a great balance throughout the year, haha :mrgreen:

just wait til you see what i have planned for the "huge" tank in the basement - can't wait to start the build journal on that one!
I'll deff stay tuned! My dry rock comes tomorrow so I should have my final aquascape for my Teeny tiny reef tank! That's great that your corals are doing well with the marineland light. My sps corals are growing like crazy! So there all you marineland haters! Lol its affordable and it works lol
I'll deff stay tuned! My dry rock comes tomorrow so I should have my final aquascape for my Teeny tiny reef tank! That's great that your corals are doing well with the marineland light. My sps corals are growing like crazy! So there all you marineland haters! Lol its affordable and it works lol
you're hiliarious! i'm excited for you. did you order from marco? it's really impressive that you're SPS is doing well. you have them nearer to the top?

in full disclosure i will be selling my setup and going with a nanobox setup but not because things aren't growing and doing well, obviously, i just really want independent control, a controller, and be able to select whatever color spectrum and light conditions i want.

but yeah, take that, haters! :D
Lol yea I have them up higher. I order from bulk reef supply. I really liked the pukani rock I got from them before. Yea that's understandable. I would love to be able to do all that as well, just don't have the money for it Haha
ok, i'm addicted bad. just spent the last five hours reading five different build threads. some of you guys are doing inspirational things.

you know what's swell, though, is getitng on a build thread after it's all done and getting to read it at your leisure and not freaking out like everyone else about updates, cause it's ALREADY HAPPENED, yay for being a newb and getting caught up!

oh and brittany, i'm going to check me out some pukani nani action now...thanks for the tip.

yes, delirium. :shock:
I hope you read Dana's and Hannah's! They have the same tank you do!

did i?! haha, yes i did. dana's got some sweet pics and is the reason i'm buying a new lens of DSLR in the next few days after some research. my oldie sony DSLY alpha just is not cutting it with it's teeny sensor.

and erin, you're awfully entertaining in your replies, too!
I spend so much time just reading everyone's build threads too! I like to see other peoples tanks and their ideas for aquascapes and coral placement and then when it comes time for me to decide how I wanna do it, I have a stockpile of info in my brain from staring at build threads! Haha Congrats on getting a new camera! I really want one too and my hubby knows it so maybe he will get me one for my bday! The pukani rock is really great! It's very porous and light weight so you get more for what you pay for. Ten lbs was five football sized rocks of all different kinds of cool textures and shapes. It's really awesome. And they fit together like puzzle pieces and that works great for aquascaping! I'm getting all excited for my rock to get here now that I'm talking about it again! Oh boyy. Haha