Doc's Reef Build

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Yeah,its growing.
From what I can tell about xenia,its either gonna grow like a weed or die.It does look good though if you can keep it under control.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Do you really want the xenias to grow.I don't think isolating them will keep them in check.I have colonies on another side of the tank that came out of nowhere.I must have a hundred colonies now spanning about two square feet of real estate.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Wow I cant believe that no one has posted on this thread for three weeks.

Doc your tanks is to die for love the corals, all of them. When I have another 2.5 hours Ill catch up on the 125. Gorgeous friend just gorgeous.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build


thank you for your kind words. I have been away from the forum for a while and not been keeping people updated on the progress of my tanks. I have done some minor overhauling on both my tanks and just have been too lazy to post pics. I hope to find time to update those interested in my tanks to show how things are going.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

hopefully the overhaul is a 300+ gal angel/shark tank!

um, no. That would have been great, although, just not possible at this time. Soon, but not quite yet.

I have been culturing xenia for my LFS, both silver-tip and pompom varieties and have been surprised how fast they both grow and how much people want them around here. the pompom xenia goes for about $40 a head, so each one is worth $20 to me. I just cut off three heads and got a sweet looking florescent green open brain in trade. Trying to find me a good clam as well. My orange rics finally split all the way, etc. Nothing super different. I am expecting some cool stuff from everyone else with tax season to close tho

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

yeah.... I think I'm all cooled out for my cool stuff. only thing I'm buying this tax season is a new skimmer
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I started off with one stalk of pulsing xenia, and they've taken over and now I have 30 to 50 stalks. That's a great idea to make some extra money because the pulsing variety sell for pretty expensive at my LFS. Marco, how do you secure your xenia fraglets? Rubber bands? Thread and needle? I'm thinking of getting a bunch of LR rubble from my LFS and taking a razor blade to my colony and start chopping away.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

There is money to be had on those silver tips.ORA farm sell tiny frags for $40 at Liveaquaria.I have a ton also and wish I wasn't so lazy.I really need to frag them as well.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I put them next to rock pieces and let them just grow all over them and then cut off the piece of rock and that is it. Takes about a month to get pieces ready to cut

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I finally took a picture of the xenia experiment. It is just over a month since I cut that nub. It has grown SO MUCH!!!


Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

3 stalks in a month. started out as a nub the size of an eraser and has grown to be about the size of a golf ball. I wish my montipora would do that!

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

nah, just trying to get the little bugger to grow up so I can trade it back to the fish store for something i more Bartlett's Anthias! I love those damn fish

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Here are few updated pics. Just wanted to share some new fishies I got the other day



Free Coral, Free Coral (there is a story here)


They finally split
