Doc's Reef Build

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

mine are naturally smarter than yours because of osmosis, they picked up some of my craftiness. yours...well...must have been dumb as rocks ;)

Glad to have you back, missed you alexander.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Well, it is official. the clowns have been caught and remanded to the 125. It took me several days, but I finally caught them. I had to wait til they were asleep and attacked swiftly and gently. They got caught 5 minutes apart. I now have lots of room in the 90. I will be searching for a flasher wrasse or fairy they jump? hmmmmm

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

So, I cut off a hunk of silver-tipped xenia to move around. there was a stump left over when I did it the other day and I noticed it sprouting more pulsing heads. I have an experiment: How fast does it really grow? Today is the 18th of January. I will post a pic once a week for a month and see what it looks like. Here is the stub, counting it as day one: for reference, it is about the size of the tip of your pinkie


Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

it started three days ago or so as a bare, smooth stump and in three days got noticable polyps growing out of it. I think it will grow pretty fast. the POTM shot on the front page has the xenia in one colony and it has grown into four separate colonies that have covered the entire rock it is on. It is crazy. I plan on selling it back to the LFS for credit towards....stuff

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

guess who got a new friend!!!

After I moved the clowns, I realized that my tank looked a bit empty. I decided to look for a replacement. It was a tie between a foxface, a squamapinis anthia (yeah right - no more of those jumpers for me), scott's fairy wrasse (yeah, like I want a $150 jumper) and a small clown tang.

Sooooooo, I went with:




Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

He is a healthy guy. Just about 4 inches or so. Not hiding a bit, swimming all around. I didn't notice if he ate tho, I am not too worried. He really brightens things up. Still thinking about 2 firefish. not sure if they will do well tho. don't want them to get stuck in the rocks all day. anyway, I hope he sticks around for a while

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Long threads are a real bore! Reminds me of what I would expect of childrens chat sites. Seems that nothing of substance seems to flow out of long threads, where as fresh threads are usually full of substance and low in idle chat which seems to be the major content of really long threads. Sort like this long winded brivle. Do what you want, as you undoubtably will, and I will just avoid excessively long threads. Blah, sa blah, sa blah! I am an A**hole, but probably right! What ever redline.
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Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Long threads are a real bore! Reminds b=me of kids chat sites.

hmmm. I guess I am proud of my tank and I like to allow others to view the progress if they so choose. I can understand if you are not interested in my tank, that is fine. My tastes are not the same as others. I doubt I will stop posting as that is the purpose of this section of threads. Luckily, there are many other threads to which you can post your exquisite knowledge of chemistry and plumbing. It may not fit in this thread. I do appreciate your opinion tho.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Did I bruise your ego. It sure seems like it. Is this the idle chat thread, oops I must be in the wrong spot. SO sorry.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

wow Fatman, clearly you don't understand the concept of a build thread... I would understand if it were an 80 page thread about weather or not fatman should buy a seaclone skimmer that would be rediculous and could be solved in 1 page. but this is what is called a BUILD THREAD its about progress and if you don't like the way we do things then your more than welcome to stay out
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Do not fret I will stay out of Doc's threads. I have no problems with any other. I really so have a hard time dealing with the field of Psychology so maybe, just maybe, that might cause my opinion to be jaded! I enrolled in a required psych class four times with four different professors and couldn't stomach it, and finally had to do the class independant study. I in general finf Psych people even more authritarian in nature than me, they just perform in practised calculating sort of way, where I just practice it in ablurt it all out a**hole sort of way. Besides school starts up again in 6 more days and I will be ti buzy to care about Doc and his threads or replies. OOPS, did I really say all that? It is a 58 page thread that is near enough a 80 pager. Next he will probably be writing daily about what he fed that day. Hum, maybe I might, should aught ta shut up! My, but it is fun. OK, I am done.
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Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Do not fret I will stay out of Doc's threads. I have no problems with any other. I really so have a hard time dealing with the field of Psychology so maybe, just maybe, that might cause my opinion to be jaded! I enrolled in a required psych class four times with four different professors and couldn't stomach it, and finally had to do the class independant study. I in general finf Psych people even more authritarian in nature than me, they just perform in practised calculating sort of way, where I just practice it in ablurt it all out a**hole sort of way. Besides school starts up again in 6 more days and I will be ti buzy to care about Doc and his threads or replies. OOPS, did I really say all that? It is a 58 page thread that is near enough a 80 pager. Next he will probably be writing daily about what he fed that day. Hum, maybe I might, should aught ta shut up! My, but it is fun. OK, I am done.

It is unfortunate that I get lumped in with the poor experiences you have had in your life with school and therapists. I cannot change who I am or what I do. Clearly I do not match your profile for what a build thread should be like and you are welcome to not look at or respond to my posts. It won't hurt my feelings at all. I do not pretend to know as much as you nor do I aspire to. I enjoy the hobby and have been successful at it. I am here to help others enjoy the hobby as well, not to try to share my vast intelligence with those who do not ask for it. I wish you luck in school.
