Doc's Reef Build

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

quite unfortunate that you decide you need to generalize the entire field of psychology in one lump idea and judge marco, a person whom you don't even know as a man that fits your idea of psychology. this is an all ages good spirited forum, yes we may rip on eachother from time to time but when it happens its quite obvious that its all in good fun. and its quite obvious those are not your intentions here
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

we may rip on eachother from time to time but when it happens its quite obvious that its all in good fun.

there is an unspoken role of social skills involved with teasing. there needs to be an invitation and a relationship established before the teasing starts. not following that social format is off-putting and rude. Many of us have been posting for a year or more, are comfortable with each other and care enough to check in with each other to enhance our friendships.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

OY!!!!!!1111!!!one!!!! (hehehe, Alexander) Everyone! Behave! No more name calling! Freak/Doc/Redline are right about there only being allowed one build thread per tank, so these threads do tend to become long. But this is the right place to track our tanks' progress (even though it can be mundane at times... ;)). So everyone, cut it out.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I have been buisy lately, with the new job. I have time to Browse the pages and may get to squeese in a comment.

So I am catching up a lil,

The Xenia project, is a cool Idea, I am currently doing a Photo Growth chart on a Birds nest, you should see Very cool growth on the Xenia,

The foxface is a Great add to the tank,

Guys Lets keep this a peaceful place. I understand the want in defending your turf, but If you ignore the LAME comments they seam to go away,
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I like your choice of fish Doc.I replaced my foxface that jumpped with another foxface and its been great.He's actually got to be my favorite fish.
Good luck with your xenia farm too.

As for long boring threads:
If a thread is to long or to boring,Aint nobody twisting arms to make folks read it.Any body that dont like long threads,Just dont read the fukin thing.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I like your choice of fish Doc.I replaced my foxface that jumpped with another foxface and its been great.He's actually got to be my favorite fish.
Good luck with your xenia farm too.

As for long boring threads:
If a thread is to long or to boring,Aint nobody twisting arms to make folks read it.Any body that dont like long threads,Just dont read the fukin thing.

Yote, you are my hero. Your backwoods wisdom is solid.

I am digging my foxface. He does love his algae. Yote, how often do you feed algae sheets to your foxface?

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I give em a sheet every other day.But I have to really be careful when putting it in the clip.He'll be right there trying to eat and I really dont feel like gettin stung.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I give em a sheet every other day.But I have to really be careful when putting it in the clip.He'll be right there trying to eat and I really dont feel like gettin stung.

that is about what I feed mine. I am hoping it is enough. the two tangs reallt dominate the frozen food when it gets dropped in.

as for the sting, just run it under warm (not too hot) water and it will break down the venom. it won't take but a minute and the sting will go away

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

OK, so here is a time lapsed pic from last week to this week for that silver-tipped xenia



there has been noticable growth from where I can sit. I am not sure if the pics show it. Should be interesting to see how it grows in a months time

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

When I got my Xenia I had two pieces. Now it's almost 6 separate pieces. Been less then a month. Yours looks like it's grown
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

yeah. you wouldn't believe how much that colony I had in the front of my tank has grown. Just since the POTM. it covers the rock it is near from right to left. I am going to break down the rock and sell it back to the LFS. I think I will isolate the xenia on a flat series of rocks so it doesn't take over my whole tank
