Doc's Reef Build

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

more pics


Here is a bad pic of the open brain. I hope this is normal. A rock fell on him today and he looks PISSED AS HELL. If this guy dies, I will be so unhappy


Here is a quick full tank shot to show some of the movement in my tank. I am planning to add 2 or 3 more Bartlett's, a maxima or derasa clam, and a red acro for the empty peak at the top right of the tank. I am also going to weed out the silver-tipped xenia. Tax return should be here in another week or so just in time to make me a happy camper with my tank.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Doc that tank is gorgeous! Whats the bluish softie in the top right center? I really like that one. That and your amazing Maze Brain
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Doc that tank is gorgeous! Whats the bluish softie in the top right center? I really like that one. That and your amazing Maze Brain

I think you are referring to my wall hammer, which in an LPS coral. It is the big one between the regal tang and the bartlett anthia. It is a huge piece that is one of my favorites because of how I found it. It is just about the size of a cantaloupe when fully extended. I was at a rival fish store just checking things out when a guy came in complaining about a coral that he could not keep under his VHO lights and wanted his money back - $150. The guy told him NO WAY all sales are final (don't worry, I don't ever shop there). I asked the guy what he had and it was that coral. I told him I would give him $50. He said "ok" and I took home the container and he has been mine for almost two years. Glad you liked it.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

All those colors are hypnotic. I could stare for hours. Amazing tank doc. That is the kind of tank i want to achieve.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

So, today, I did some changing of my corals, since I had to do a massive cleaning due to a Purigen explosion of stench and filth (see a different post for all the details). I noticed that my open brain is only opening up a little bit and the color is during brownish-green-grey. That tells me that it is not getting enough light on my sandbed. This is a problem since I hear it is not safe to place in the rockwork due to the expanding and contracting nature of the coral. What to do? I rigged a flat spot out of three different rocks near the top of the reef, hoping that it will stay level and not fall off. What do you think? will it work? does it expand and contract evenly or does it vary, pushing against different spots of rock, slowly working itself off where it is positioned? No clue, I have never had this coral before. Ideas?

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Thats a mighty good question Doc.
Any chance you could use something to make kinda like a mini sand bed up in the rock?That would give the coral something soft to lay on at least and lessen the chance of it tearing.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I think placing it on a flat rock would probably work. It's worth a shot, at least. Hopefully your brain will get healthy soon!
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I think Yote has a great idea with the adding some sand on top of your flat rock so that the brain may think it is the normal sand bed.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I moved it about 6 hours ago. It expanded to three times what it was on the sand bed, so lighting did seem to be the problem. T-5 just don't penetrate all the way down there for its lighting requirements. It seems pretty snug where it is and I will leave him there for a few days to see what happens.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

How about putting some sand in a shallow tupperware container and placing that on a rock? That way the sand won't get blown all over the place.

Good to hear it's doing better. Pretty weird though, they don't have super high lighting needs or anything.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I don't know. It was not hydrating on the bottom and the metallic green turned into a dull greenish brown. Not cool. You know me, weird stuff just seems to happen to my tanks that can't be explained.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

How about putting some sand in a shallow tupperware container and placing that on a rock?

So Ghetto!!!!

Are you sure its not getting enough light?I kept several different brains on the sand bed with similar lights with no problems whatsoever.Maybe its time to feed it once in awhile.I believe a flat rock may work for the brain.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

How do you get that coraline?? Your tank is a month older than mine and i have minimal little splotches of purple. Anyways Love the tank man, great job.