Doc's Reef Build

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I cheated and used rocks from my 3 year old 125 to seed the tank from the start. I got a head start

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

So, I snagged me a few cool SPS corals yesterday. They are both acros, but one is an actual colony, an off-white one with pinkish purple tips. The other one is browned out cuz it wasn't under good light. I hope it colors up. I never know what to look for in an SPS coral to know if it is healthy. I will try to post pics when I can. I have a few meetings and junk to do tonight, as well as a water change.

I am currently doing some re-arranging (what a shock) and I will post a FTS when I am done and the water clears, probably not til tomorrow.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I found some time to snap two pics of my new additions



I have no idea what the two Acros are. Any ideas would be nice. like, how fast they grow, etc

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I like how that acro is branched out.Looks great Doc.
It'll be hard to figure out what kind of acro it is,untill it colors back up.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

I guess the one on the right is supposed to turn red. I have no idea which is which or what to expect. Yote, I know you like to acclimate them on the bottom of the tank and slowly work their way up in height. Both of these pieces were under halides (old bulb and only 150 watt bulbs) at the top of the rocks, so I am hoping that they are used to stronger light.

Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Doc you always get the coolest stuff, what gives man!

My buddy owns my LFS. He gives me good deals, I have $1,000 in store credit, interest free (that I just paid off) and he will order me things at his cost once a month. When he gets in a cool coral, he holds it for me to look at. He is a stud.

He has an Acan Lord that I want, but it is on consignment from some other guy and it is $300, but it is such a cool piece. I am trying to wheel and deal. Although, if I win big in Vegas this week, no questions asked, it is MINE.

Here are some full tank shots after moving rocks and corals around. Hope you like them



Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build


This little guy was trying to climb out of the water and I thought it made a sweet pic



Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

Yup, just as i thought. any of your full tank shots can take victory in POTM.

But you know what, that starfish pic is great. You should enter that one.
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

The shots are amazing as always Doc...I knew you had to have some kind of inside action! Got any stock "tips" from any buddies too?
Re: Dr Marco's Reef Build

The shots are amazing as always Doc...I knew you had to have some kind of inside action! Got any stock "tips" from any buddies too?

It still costs money, I just get to make mine stretch a bit longer than it normally would. Sorry, no stock tips. I have no extra money to invest, I am addicted to marine fish!

Great pics. potm quality. congrats on a very nice display.

I am liking it more each day. I will be totally happy when I can sell off the silver-tipped xenia and replace that area with a clam, get more zoa and shroom coverage and drop in 2-3 more Bartlett's Anthias. Then, it will be perfect for me.
