Doc's Reef Build

Here are some plumbing pics.


one of the return pipes


the computer that electronically monitors and controls flow, backwash, filtration, um, pretty much everything


random pumps


These are the 6 MASSIVE sand filters that are a major part of the filtration. Each is about the size of a volkswagon bug.


water softeners for the city water that they purify before putting it into the tank.


the carbon reactors they use for polishing the water.


more pumps


A sample of the salt they use. they order a ton a month. Literally, 2,000lbs of salt a month. whoa


a 1,000 gallon transportation tank they use to move sharks. there are places for hoses to pump in flow, oxygen, etc plus a viewing window to look at the massive critter. really cool

WOW doc i can see you had a great time. Something special about vegas being linked to something you love. The tank is amazing. The skimmer is unbelievable.

I wonder how much a tank like this costs them. Not to run, but actual cost to set something it up. Are we talking 10s of millions or 100s of millions?
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Holy Balls Doc that is one huge set of skimmers. I can only imagine the filth that they remove. I want that computer set up for my tank when I get it set up.
I wonder how much a tank like this costs them. Not to run, but actual cost to set something it up. Are we talking 10s of millions or 100s of millions?

this is a casino that brings in billions of dollars a year. something like this is mere pocket change to draw in more quests and subsequently more money from the guest that the tank brings in playing in there casino
you don't look 5'4 and 290 from those pictures.

well, maybe I fudged a bit about the stats, but they are close. I did gain 10 pounds from steak, lobster, shrimp, Spago, Emeril's, etc. Man I love food. Now I am back on protein shakes, fiber bars, cereal, and eggs. Pretty big dietary shock, but I love taking a break from trying to lose weight.

this is a casino that brings in billions of dollars a year. something like this is mere pocket change to draw in more quests and subsequently more money from the guest that the tank brings in playing in there casino

I know the whole pool area cost $30 million. I believe The Tank was $7-8 million. Not that I am a marketing rep for the Golden Nugget, but it is SO worth staying there just to swim around the sharks. Bring a pair of goggles to you can go under water and it looks just like you are in the ocean with the sand tigers coming straight at you. It is freaky. I think I pee'd myself when I did that (I stole goggles from the little girl in one of the pics)

here are just some pics of Vegas to smile about and the pool area where The Tank is located.







Doc, those pics are AMAZING!!! I wonder if I could con my way into the Golden Nugget's top secret tank area. Doubtful, since I'm not a "Dr. Biff"...yet...

I'm excited that I'll (probably) be going back in a month or so! I looooove that place.
OK, back to the inner workings of The Tank.

Here are pics of the skimmers for the QT tank



this is one of 3 massive backwash tanks that are under the main filtration. This is where they do water changes. they flush out 15,000 gallons a week and replace it with fresh saltwater.


This is a shot of their QT tank, just over 20,000 gallons. They are planning to create a tropical system with tangs, angels, etc at the end of this year and they are starting to amass their fish load and keep them here. They have one viewing window and it was kind of hard to see what they had.

You can see the yellow tang in the QT tank and in the pvc tube is a grouper who got pretty beat up in the main tank. there is also an orange shoulder tang and a pure white tang, which I cannot remember the name of.

there is also a school of travali in the QT tank, getting ready to be put into the main shark tank

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When I went up the stairs to the top of the QT tank, I saw the Blonde Naso. He came right up and wanted to play


There was also a Titan Trigger, the largest and most aggressive trigger around. He was HUGE and has terrifying teeth. He was separated from the rest of the QT tank with a net - that he was destroying. He did not stay still for a good pic. He was about 18 inches long and 4 inches thick, I'd say. He is also going into the main shark tank when he is cleared for health.


