Doc's Reef Build

Great pics Doc.It really does look like you had a blast on your trip.Am I weird for being more interested in that Achilles Tang than pics of the rays,sharks etc.
Great pics Doc.It really does look like you had a blast on your trip.Am I weird for being more interested in that Achilles Tang than pics of the rays,sharks etc.

I was struck by the achilles as well. I have never seen one that big before nor live as long (2 years in captivity). i was impressed til I got to play with the horn shark. Then, I was captivated by that graceful beast.

Doc I saw all of the green in the specimen tank and thought that you had jumped ship to my realm for a minute, then I read the title. Green makes my poor little heart race. Until I see it in my reef Im sure.
awesome pics! and everyone...... doc is real. we had dinner tonight. he had his back facing me the whole time though. hah just kidding.

sweet pic of the koran doc...... and of course all the others too.
awesome pics! and everyone...... doc is real. we had dinner tonight. he had his back facing me the whole time though. hah just kidding.

sweet pic of the koran doc...... and of course all the others too.

Dinner was a blast. Too bad you are headed back to Boise so soon. Drop me a line when you come back and we can hang out again.

Hey no fair!!! How come I don't get to meet Doc?!?!

I've already met Redline... And Yote... And a bunch of other Tennesseeans...

c'mon up to Utah and you can have dinner with my wife and I as well. Weekends work best for me, but, for Alexander, I was able to re-arrange my schedule on a Monday

doc how bout when all the tornado damage in atlanta gets cleaned up you come down to atlanta and get a backstage tour of the largest aquarium in the mom know the owner personally so im sure i can hook something special up
hey now, I don't allow fighting on my build thread. there is an off-topic forum for that :mrgreen:

As for Georgia, I was just there a month ago. I had some marketing business in Savannah. I will not be out in that direction for quite some time, maybe more than a year. When I do, I will likely want to visit that aquarium. I have read many cool articles about the whale sharks they keep there. I appreciate the invitation.
