d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread

That means I'd have to clean it first. :shock: :) Someday. Catherine and Dennis are working with me to help me get a decent camera.
I had a photoshoot all day saturday... non reef related. :D

Ok, here's a couple full room shots.
I did start moving corals over from my old tank so I'll get some pics of those soon.


Yes, Starphire glass on all 4 sides.
Notice you can see straight through with very little green tint. And that's 1/2" thick glass.

And no, those are just plain old bamboo. ;)
A local hippie makes them out of the bells from dead century plants here. It's a cool idea! They are super light and they play pretty well.
Sorry, Rigo! :mrgreen: If you want I can tell her about the 3.5 months of living in just two bedrooms with the Siberian Husky, Greyhound, Maltese and the cat... along with the refrigerator and a bunch of stacked up furniture, in the middle of Houston summer with no sheetrock or insulation in the rest of the house with the AC running 24/7. And don't get me started on dealing with the contractors. ;)

So I've been crazy busy lately but finally got a chance to take a couple more pics.

My emerald crab from my old tank made the move to the cube and my serpent star from TBS came out to eat.

