d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread

Love the video man. It also makes me really wish I could change some things about my tank (mostly sump) and that is only possible if i totally rip the thole thing apart.

Hows the seastar? still alive?
D2,I'm trying to catch up with everbodies tank build.Since yours was at the top,I started here.I've read every page and it was funny as hell!Awesome,awesome system!
Thanks guys!
The star is still doing ok.

Today I also got my acrylic strips cut for my stand and then spray painted the backsides with an aqua colored paint to mimic our backpainted glass backsplash in the kitchen. Attached with 3M tape.
From design to completion!

And of course Wally had to help.



Well, I'll install a float valve in the top of this tank so the RO/DI will turn off automatically, but I will probably leave the RO/DI off once it fills, until it empties out close to half way. Just in case. We'll see. Because with wires from powerheads and stuff, I may not be able to get a water tight seal on the top, meaning if the float valve fails, I'll flood my garage.

yeah I'm doing the same with mine, would love to see the pics when you're done!

Here's a few more pics.

My first fishies... 3 of these blue/green chromis.

My Ricordea moved over from my old tank

And my new friend the decorator crab decided on a wardrobe change.