d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread

Holy awesomeness! I so wish that you could send all of those to me and they would survive! I would dump everyone of them in my nano just to see what would happen.
Woah is the mantis being attacked by a crab or what? You shoudl get a close up of it and see if you can get it ID on the mantis board at RC. Gondylactus(Roy) is the worlds leading expert on them I have been told.
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Woah is the mantis being attacked by a crab or what? You shoudl get a close up of it and see if you can get it ID on the mantis board at RC. Gondylactus(Roy) is the worlds leading expert on them I have been told.

I'm pretty sure those are Pistol Shrimp. And HE would be eating the CRAB! nom nom nom nom :D
And the popping noise is crazy.
No mantis? The green one is a pistol too? Its scary to think that they could've been in the tank but I still think they are VERY cool...sorry :lol:
Wow! That's an incredible catch. So is that all the creatures in the four rocks? You're going to have to do that to your new rock before you put it in or else you'll have to do it ALL over again. Still no Mantis?
woah! thats a ton of buggars!!

i have a few pistols in my tank, never thought to do the hot water thing tho.... *evil grin* they annoy the heck outta me in the middle of the night with all their snapping and popping... :grumble:

maybe i will spend MY weekend doing that LOL
Wow! That's an incredible catch. So is that all the creatures in the four rocks? You're going to have to do that to your new rock before you put it in or else you'll have to do it ALL over again. Still no Mantis?

ONE rock. :D

Two mantis have been caught so far. That might be it.
Still have a couple more rocks to check out.