d2mini's Epic Fantabulous New Reef Build

Dennis I think your Prius has hauled more tonnage this year than my neighbor's RAM truck.

I can see the Prius' computer now sending a wireless message to Toyota.
"Man, I was so not built for this. Can you send this guy a Tundra please?"
Sea Cucumber hitch hiker. Found him at the bottom of a bag when I was dumping the water out last night. :D

wow I really like that cucumber, I've never seen one like that. Do you know what kind it is or if it is reef safe?
I have yet to see/hear of a gulf of mexico cucumber that is not reef safe.
Haven't found info on this specific one yet, but I know someone with an exact duplicate and it doesn't even move around.
Sir your tanks is looking vary pornographic please keep in mind this is a family site. Also I don't know if Erin can't take much more hahaha...

d2mini - 1
mantis - 0

Found a mantis coming out of some rock, busy trying to get at something. Grabbed my long stainless forceps and went all Mr Miyagi on his ass.
Got real close to him with the forceps and he was all like "i ain't skeered" and went about his business. A quick jab and snap close of the forceps and he was mine in a single shot.
Was hoping to offer him up to someone but it looks like I crushed his abdomen... he can't upright himself in the container I have him in.
Want some wrasses for your tank Dennis? There's a bonded pair of blue striped tamarin wrasses on the diver's den sneak peek list today!
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Is that Angel reef safe. Every one I have ever tried that say caution started picking the brain corals.

Only my Coral and Flame hardly if ever poke around.

I know it says they are but whatevs.
Thanks, Fishy but I very rarely order fish. I don't like the risk.

phastroh, they are the only genus of angels that are considered reef safe. So far no problems and she was eating right away.
Cool I hope all goes well. I got some Square Anthias, man the colors wowowowow. Get some Anthias eventually but there are so many vibrant colored ones.

I just have a male and female square and 2 female and 1 male Lyretail. The Males are great. Ok bye.