d2mini's 46g Bow Front

That's a POTM entry right there. Wrasses are so hard to get pictures of. They are so camera shy. That makes your pictures that much more remarkable.
Here's a few pics of my new 6 Line Wrasse.
So far he is playing nicely.
A little skittish of my camera though... which i found weird because I can get my face right up to the tank, but hold up the camera and he bolts. No flash or anything either. He was starting to get used to it though. He better. :D


OK Dennis, How'd you do it? What, do you have a digital SLR or some 5 million dollar camera or is it just natural ability? What were your settings on the camera?
LOL! :lol:
Thanks guys!

I have a Nikon D700 and was using my Tamron 90mm macro lens.
The beauty of it and the reason I upgraded from my D200 is the low noise sensor.
I shot these at 4000 iso which let me set the shutter speed at 200 and a fairly high f-stop probably around f/14 to help keep things sharp.
No drugs involved.
No for the fish anyway. :11:

And as far as POTM.... i dunno. I got creamed during last months contest.
There's some pretty fierce talent around here! :bowdown:
man you must really love photography if you were willing to drop the cash on a d700

Ya, well that... plus the fact that my photography has supported all of its own equipment purchases for the last year or two. That's makes purchases like that a bit easier to swallow. :beerchug:
You sell your photography? That's cool. How long have you been at that? Do you have a website with ur work?

Yeah, sometimes. I'm a graphic designer and so is my wife and brother so being in the biz I can sometimes pick up some freelance gigs. I shoot mostly commercial stuff like products, architecture, and the odd corporate portrait. I also started dabbling in simple stock photos recently.
Here's my website but keep in mind that I through it up as a temporary thing just to have something. My brother is a website designer so I've been waiting for him to have time to help me out. I hate designing web stuff. :p
Here's a POTM suggestion:
Clownfish are a hard sell because they are kinda common. A picture of a more colorful or rare fish has a much better chance of winning.

I would have voted for that sixline picture over any of the other entries all year so far!