d2mini's 46g Bow Front

So here's what I've learned about micro bubbles. :frustrat:

Too much flow, bubbles will blow.
Slow it down, bubbles leave town.

Can you dig it?
My first pump was a panworld 50px. Too much power, I knew that when I bought it. My thought process was better to have too much than not enough and I can just restrict flow after the pump. When I hooked it up I had to turn it down about halfway just so my drain line could keep up. So now I'm using a Mag 3 rated at about half the power of the panworld. Hooked it up and it was running at 100% and seemed matched pretty well to the drain. But I still had a TON of microbubbles! So I turned down the flow maybe 25% and the bubbles almost disappeared. This is also why bubble traps don't work. People push too much flow through their sump and the current just takes the bubbles through the trap. So right now my mag 3 system pump is probably only pushing about 2-3 my tank volume (not including sump volume). But everyone seems happy, and the tank is clear. My two K2's in the tank are adding the additional flow that's needed.

So yeah, everything is hooked up and flowing and looking good!
Trying to set up my fuge still.
I'll get some pics of the new setup soon...
That's a great tip. I have a mag 7 on my 110. My overflow has a capped bulkhead and one open bulkhead. I was going to open the second bulkhead and use my second mag 7 to increase flow but I am already flirting with micro bubbles. I would have wasted all that time and plumbing expense. Not to say it wouldn't work but it could have been a waste. My flow looks good, but like you I thought more would be better. Your tank, and house for that matter looks great.
Your tank, and house for that matter looks great.

haha, thanks! :)

Yeah, and not only does flow seem to have a pretty big impact, but the design of the sump is more complicated than I think most of us realize. I mean look at this dude... he's pushing MEGA GPH!!! And no microbubbles! But he also has the luxury of much more sump space than I do. He's able to push that much flow through bubble traps that actually work cause apparently he has at least 3x as much space between them compared to what we usually see.

Right now I have a false perc clown, firefish, and i just picked up a 6 line wrasse this weekend. I really really really want a Midas Blenny but having the worst luck trying to find one locally. All my fish are pretty small too. You can see the clown in one of these and the fire fish in the other. The wrasse is the same size as the clown but no pic of him yet.


next time you go to your LFS ask the owner or manager to order one for you, they are usually pretty willing to do that

Oh really? I didn't think of that. I'll give it a shot.

And speaking of fish, how many more do you think my tank can handle?
Is there any fish that are shaped like tangs, angels, etc that are reef safe and not too aggressive, and can do well in a 46g? Just looking for a little more variety. Many of the fish i can keep are shaped long and skinny.
I would maybe try to hold off on the blenny for a little while. I know its hard. It will probably be fine, but the only reason i say to hold off is because they do best in a system that is a little more established. they eat algae as you probably know at this point, but its thought that they get most of their varied nutrition from detritus that is wrapped up in or around algae and not exactly from the algae itself. so maybe let stuff build up a bit and get more established. On they other hand they are a really tough fish so you could be just fine on it.
slow is definitely tough. i have to remind alexander to take it slow all the time. your rock work looks awesome. your rocks are so colorful, im assuming you got them like that?
slow is definitely tough. i have to remind alexander to take it slow all the time. your rock work looks awesome. your rocks are so colorful, im assuming you got them like that?

Thanks! :)

This was 5 weeks ago when i first got the majority of my rock from a few different people who were tearing down tanks.
You can see it has some good color already.
And then the second pic was taken this weekend.
Much more color since the beginning.
The second pick also has my T5's which the first did not so keep that in mind.


it looks so great. that probably one of my favorites about tanks, i think its awesome to see the rocks have color. for some reason i dont see it on alexanders. is it because of the kind of rock we have?
Here's a few pics of my new 6 Line Wrasse.
So far he is playing nicely.
A little skittish of my camera though... which i found weird because I can get my face right up to the tank, but hold up the camera and he bolts. No flash or anything either. He was starting to get used to it though. He better. :D


