Biff's 90 Gallon Downgrade

I had to move a bunch of corals around. The hammer was kind of getting hammered by my powerheads! And I wanted to be able to see the blastos on the backside of their rock... So things are jumbled right now :(

Here are the two things I picked up at my LFS last night. Neither of them appear to have opened up all the way yet.

A purple long-tentacled plate coral.

And a small sun coral fraglette.

Alas, my pink lobo from Knucklehead did not make it :( Perhaps the Fedex Fiasco of February 2010 was too much for it to handle.
I know. I was holding out hope that it'd make it. But then I turned the lights on this morning and all my fish were eating what was left of it! The good news is that everything else he sent me is looking fantastic.
Poor thing,all that is left is some pink goo or something.With your crazy schedule,now you have to feed a coral regularly.

Congrats,me thinks.
With your crazy schedule,now you have to feed a coral regularly.

Congrats,me thinks.

Hmmmm yes. I already feed my other corals regularly. The longest I'm out of town for work is usually ~3 days or so. So it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe NDB will have to learn how to work a turkey baster. That sounds dirty.
I think Knucklehead should file a claim for the entire shipment and send you a few more corals to make up for your losses and troubles. JMO
Is there any tissue left on the lobo? I've seen LPS come back from what looked like 95% decimation. They can recover if ANY of it is left alive.

I don't think it's Knuck's fault. He can't control what the shipping company did. Kind of a risk we take when we ship corals IMO. :twocents:
I left it in the tank for another day after I took the pic. There was nothing left.

I don't think it's his fault at all -- I never blamed him. I saw the picture of what it looked like prior to shipping. And when it arrived, the bag of water it was in was completely cloudy.
I know you weren't blaming Knucklehead.

That just sucks b@lls. Big orange box with plain English on the side - ends up in timbucktwo for no good reason. :grumble:
I went and "helped" a fellow local reefer take down his tank tonight. I came home with 20+ new corals!! They are getting used to their new home right now. Pics to come! Oh, and he has more for me to pick up tomorrow too ;)