Biff's 90 Gallon Downgrade

Yeah, both of them are yumas -- a green one and an orange one. Unfortunately, the orange one didn't come mounted to anything and it just started floating around the tank. I currently have it isolated in hopes that it will decide to stick to a rock :(
That is some score. You sure you have room for all that? ;)

I'm having troubles... I have so many LPS and I want them safely apart from each other, but I have a ton of flow in my tank, so it's hard to find spots where they aren't getting blown to bits, and they are far away enough from each other that they won't sting each other.
I'm having troubles... I have so many LPS and I want them safely apart from each other, but I have a ton of flow in my tank, so it's hard to find spots where they aren't getting blown to bits, and they are far away enough from each other that they won't sting each other.

Ha! I wish I had that problem. Too many. :)
Thanks! In the store, their sun polyps are out in full light in the coral tanks with the rest of the stuff for sale. They were totally scrunched up when I bought them, and they probably hadn't been target fed in forever. I didn't know what to expect. But they have opened up nicely on the little shaded ledge I stuck them too! I've even seen a few new baby polyps pop up (I think)!

NDB was like, "WHOA! So that's what those are supposed to look like!"
Here are the frags my friend Johnny gave me yesterday. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! I went over to his house because he had recently consolidated several tanks into one, and every square inch of his tank is covered in corals! It's pretty funny -- he said he needs to start thinning stuff out because he has no room. I was like, "I'll take whatever you've got!" :lol:

Three nuclear green paly frags (in his tank they were HUGE -- like at least an inch tall and bright green, I can't wait for these guys to grow):

Some zoas and gold star polyps:

Button polyps:

A bright pink shroom:

An orange and teal blue acan frag (BEAUTIFUL -- the parent colony is amazing looking):

A random leather (not attached to anything -- I have to find a place to put it):

And a hairy mille frag:

Thanks Johnny and Mike! You guys made my week!
That's awesome, sarah! Very colorful. Are the ones in the pics you posted yesterday the same one that were stuck in the fedex warehouse? They look great!
First you need to have friends to get deals like that David. If you ever answered your phone you mite make friends. And quite trying to take people to your bomb shelter, its just freaky and makes us feel like your a molester:mrgreen: or some perv:mrgreen: