Biff's 90 Gallon Downgrade

It's at 83 now. At least it's somewhat in the "safe" zone! The corals are still looking crappy. The big open brain looks the worst... Christian said, "I thought that was what it was supposed to look like." Hahaha. I think everyone will be okay.

I know that Mags have a tendency to put out a lot of heat as they get older... I'm thinking of replacing it with a Panworld pump instead. I've heard a lot of good things about those pumps. But not for a long time. I'm maxed out for fish expenses for a while.
You know what I like about you Biff?You are always changing,trying something-from your 55g. to 240 to nano to 90.Even your experiments from trying to breed clowns to homemade fish food.By the time you take a deep breath and plop yourself on the couch,something else is going on with you.BTW,your coral looked great.

I got my fans from SWS. They are just 120mm case fans for +/- $10. They come in both 12v and 110v models.

Would you mind enlightening the technically inept among us (cough, cough, me) as to what the difference between the 12v and 110v models would be?

Wow Biff. What's with all the bad luck lately? Geesh!

Well thank god the worst luck I thought could possibly happen -- a leaky tank -- doesn't seem to be! It was all nice and dry when I checked it today. Even blew some more canned air in there to see if any droplets would come out, and it was dry. If my Mag Drive is overheating, at least that's an easy problem to fix!

You know what I like about you Biff?You are always changing,trying something-from your 55g. to 240 to nano to 90.Even your experiments from trying to breed clowns to homemade fish food.By the time you take a deep breath and plop yourself on the couch,something else is going on with you.BTW,your coral looked great.


I hope that's not all you like about me! :h5: ;)
I like this hobby a lot. And I like to see if I can find new (cheaper, easier) ways to do things. My homemade fish food was a great success! I should do it again sometime. Too bad the process smells so bad... And I'm really excited for my clowns to start laying eggs again. I think they're a little shook up from me moving their rocks around last week. Feeling a little stressed, apparently they haven't felt like getting it on lately. Clowny (the female) has just not been in the mood, I guess. They should start mating again soon I hope!

I don't know if my tanks will ever be a "finished product". There always seems to be something new to try out! I think of my tanks as works in progress.
110 is what you have coming out of your wall sockets. 12v you need to have a converter plug. 12v uses less electricity usually, 110 is usually stronger.
110 is what you have coming out of your wall sockets. 12v you need to have a converter plug. 12v uses less electricity usually, 110 is usually stronger.
To add on to that, the 110v fans tend to spin faster and are louder. I went with 12v because I wanted "silent" operation. Not that the 110v is terribly loud but they are louder. Either way you will have to wire them. Neither type will come with a plug attached. If you get the 12v, then you will need a 110vAC to 12vDC converter. I found them to be the best quality and the cheapest at Elliot Electronics Supply. If you go 110v, then you will wire it to your own plug end (Cut the end off of one of the 99 cent extension cords) and plug it in.
Yay! The box was finally found! How they lost THIS box puzzles me...


Here's what was in it. A really big purple/blue/red lobo:

I think these are my new favorite coral in my tank. Blastos:

A purple chalice (it's about 6" across):

A sad blue leather. Hopefully he'll cheer up:

Another sad finger leather:

A bright red chalice frag:


This brain is HUGE! It's purple with green eyes. It really fits nicely at the very top of the center of my tank:
Bright pink lobo:

VERY neon hammer:

Beautiful acans! Still haven't opened all the way, but I can't wait for them to fully come out:

Mystery coral! I don't know what this is. Any ideas? Another chalice of some sort?

AWESOME blastos! The blastos are on a branch, so there are about 5 more small polyps on the backside of it. I couldn't find a place to show off all of them though:



they all look good. The hammer is going to be just fine. the Pink lobo doesn't look great, but hopefully it and the leathers will come around! Congrats and thanks for the pics.
Oh WOW those Blastos are amazing

I know! I nearly peed my pants when I saw them. Blastos are probably my favorite LPS corals ever. The ones I got do not disappoint!

Whoa!!! Biff, those are some amazing additions you have...I believe I'm getting a little jealous...just a lil' bit. :)

Thank you!

FYI, I got them all from Fantasy Aquatica - | The Internets number 1 website for live salt water coral.. Excellent selection, fantastic prices, and great customer service! I couldn't be happier with my new corals!
lol trust me shes not. im glad shes happy we both were trying to get these corals to her alive. i talked to countless reps. everytime telling them this box cant sit long. they are animals they are gonna die!.. fedex says sorry for anything you are mad about. sorry sorry sorry. even if your gonna tell them they are gonna die. im sorry for your inconvenience....