Biff's 90 Gallon Downgrade

In quality, yes. It is a major upgrade from my 240!

I just got home from my trip. All the corals are closed up. UGHHHHHHH. When I talked to NDB last night, he assured me that everything was fine. I'll have to see how things look in the coming days before I decide that something is wrong!!
I did the flatworm treatment on Sunday night. Went out of town on Monday. The flatworm treatment wasn't particularly effective. I did 4x the dose on the box recommended for my tank size, and it didn't kill ANY of them. I used the entire bottle, which was for 400 gallons. They just started moving around a lot. So I sucked out as many of them as I could see with the turkey baster (they were still alive obviously) and I took the rock that they were concentrated on and did a freshwater dip.

The corals on that rock still look unhappy, but they are alive. The rest of my corals look sad too. Don't know if it was due to the flatworm treatment, since I didn't actually see any die.
I did a 25% water change on Sunday after the treatment, and I ran carbon. I don't have any water made up right now -- it will take several hours just to get a little bit. I think I may hook up my canister filter with carbon again... Run it for a bit. In the meantime, I'll start up the RODI unit again.
thats crazy cause i get flatworm infestation everytime my wrasse jumps out and dies and flatworm exit whips them everytime. Now i got christmas wrasse and he keeps them in check, sixline in my 125 eats them also. i never recommend sixline since there so aggressive best to try coris wrasse or other types of wrasse.
i use the whole bottle of flatworm exit and turn skimmer and carbon reactor off for 2 hours than you will see those suckers floating loose in tank than run whole phosban reactor completely full of carbon for 2 weeks.
My parameters are perfect!! My nitrates have been 0 from the start! And I was very suspicious of that, so yes, I bought a second test kit to verify :D pH is at a constant 8.2.

I don't know what's going on... I called NDB at work to ask if he noticed the corals looking funny while I was gone, but he was out of the store so I left him a message. His coworkers NEVER give him his messages. So I'm not holding my breath.
Well I think I figured out why my tank looks like shit. And it's not due to the flatworms. Checked the temp on the tank, and it's 90 degrees. Yuck.

Headed to Walmart now, going to pick up some serious fannage. I'm also making some nice cold, clean water to add to the tank, it should be ready by the time I get back. And I opened all the windows. The house isn't warm, but I think either my return pump (a Mag) or my skimmer pump (an Eheim) are putting off some serious heat, because I don't use any heaters and my lights run fairly cool.
Went to Walmart... No fans except the giant oscillating ones. Well that doesn't help me much. I ask a guy if he has any clip-on or box fans, and he replies simply, "It's winter." Yeah it's winter. IT'S WINTER IN TUCSON, ARIZONA WHERE IT'S STILL 85 DEGREES IN THE DAY TIME!

So I head to Target. Same story. As a last resort, I go to Office Max. Still, no fans. The manager tells me "Fans are a seasonal item. We only get them in the summer."

Oh well. With the open windows, the cold top off water and the small fan that we have propped up on a table blowing at it, the tank is now down to 85 degrees. I'm going to order some small box fans off of Ebay and hopefully can rig something sleek and stylish up this week ;)
By the time I freeze a bottle of water or two, it will be several hours from now :( It's coming down slowly on its own from the windows being open... I think tomorrow I'll do an experiment and turn off the return pump and protein skimmer -- disconnecting the tank from the sump completely. Then I'll check the water temp and see what it is. If there is a huge difference, I will know that I need to replace my pumps. :(