Yeah, each of those lobos is about 6" x 4" and they have great coloration. The LFS wanted $25 for the two of them! I know they'll spring back in no time, given some good water quality, some good lighting and some yummy meals.
When I first started dating NDB, he had been running his own business for years and OOPS hadn't done his taxes since 2002 (he was an irresponsible cad before I forced him to shape up!). I took his stuff to a tax consultant and the guy walked me through one year's worth, explaining how to do all the calculations and all the extra forms I needed. I then went home did the remaining business and individual tax returns by hand for him, and got him all caught up with 5 years of missing tax returns. It took me about 4 months to do it all, but we couldn't afford to pay a professional to do any more than the first year. I really busted my ass to get his finances in shape, and I hardly knew him. What can I say, I was smitten :). So I figured he owes me!
If he asks, I'll just tell him that I've started charging for my tax preparation services. And I charge a lot, because I'm that good at it.