Yotes 125

wow yote!! that is one amazing tank! :D i can't wait to see what it will look like when all those corals start getting huge!
Thanks y'all.
Yeah David,thats my Atlantic Blue Tang.I dont think he's trying to change.He always looks like that when he's feeding.
And nope,the torch wasnt a $5.00 coral.It only cost me a couple of hours of bagging fish at the LFS:D
Looks great yote! Looks like you pretty much wiped out any hair algae, and your pic taking skills have greatly improved. Great job!
Feed them suckers steroids yote so they will get big and strong faster. Like the 6 million dollar man. That tank is looking sweet yote
well im getting ready to set fil my tank with water..

i see how you have most of your lr or the right side of your tank...

i was thinking about dont something like that. leaving more open space on the left and lots of caves and such on the right.

i have roughly 75 lbs of lr and base rock for my 75 gal tank. maybe the rock will take up more room than i think it will?

but anyway. do you have any problems with that kind or setup? dead spots in the back? etc?
well now that i look...it was your old setup, you moved stuff around since then..
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Actually,thats my new set up:D
Thats actually just how the rock worked out.I'll eventually add a little more,but I'm picky and just waiting on the "perfect rock" to come in at the LFS.
But no,I dont have any problems with flow and dead spots.There used to be 4 K4s,3 K3s,and 3 K2s in there.Now I'm down to 3 K4s and 3 K3s hidden throughout the rock.
Just think of it as a jig-saw puzzle.Instead of trying to arrange the rock YOUR way,let the rock tell you how they fit together.When you find the right spot for a rock,it'll be stable and look good.
Arrange and arrange, and then rearrange and rearrange, until finally..... that's it! :)

Thats about right.
The first 500 or so attemps at aquascaping dont count,cause your gonna change it:D

I went and added a little toadstool leather today.I'll try to get pics tomorrow if I get home from work before the tank lights are off.
Ordered me one of the Swallow Tail angels like Capts too:D Just not sure when I'll get it,because of how the store does the orders.:grumble: But at least its been spoken for:^:
haha sweet

yeah i think i have it how i want it...for now at least...but im going to get more rock! i have the min of 1 lb per gal now. it almost looks like a pebble in a olympic sized swimming pool.

but yeah yote! you are gonna have to post new pics!
haha sweet

yeah i think i have it how i want it...for now at least...but im going to get more rock! i have the min of 1 lb per gal now. it almost looks like a pebble in a olympic sized swimming pool.

but yeah yote! you are gonna have to post new pics!

Brotha,you just gettin started:D

holding my breath till we are blue in the face:grumble: yote till we see some pics :frustrat:

Just waitin on the lights to come on.I couldnt get to work this morning because all 3 ways I can go to the interstate is flooded and the roads closed.I'm officially trapped on top of this ridge.

What's that fish gonna cost you yote? Two dollars! :mrgreen:

Just about an hours worth of baggin fish and corals for customers :mrgreen: