Yotes 125

Thanks y'all.
Joker,I'm surprised you aint heard her yell all the way out there in Colorado:D

David,thats a Briareum asbestinum (Sea finger gorgonian).
I got it as a hitch hiker on some live rock about a year ago.
Lookin good. I have plating coralline in my 180 I think its awesome. :)

Looks like maybe that sponge is struggling a bit (on its tips....) I think that it might do better lower in the tank, with less light????? Thats always what I have read about them and I have gotten them to last longer for me in more shaded areas.
Thanks Winy.
I've noticed that myself with the sponge.The only problem is,I cant get it no lower without just laying it on the sand.I may take it back to the store tomorrow and just trade it.

Just got home from the frag swap.Think I did pretty good.Brought home a Reef Keeper Lite,2 different Acan frags,a frogspawn,and 2 tee shirts for less than $100.
I'll get some pics after I get em al acclimated and in the tank:D
I was there with Yote and I was afraid of Yote going hunting. We were at a table and this guy pulls out a mantis shrimp that he was selling. I thought for sure Yote would jump the table and kill it bare handed. But that was a good deal and yes I would like to see pics of the newbies.
I was there with Yote and I was afraid of Yote going hunting. We were at a table and this guy pulls out a mantis shrimp that he was selling. I thought for sure Yote would jump the table and kill it bare handed. But that was a good deal and yes I would like to see pics of the newbies.

Well,That was a trophy class mantis:lol:
Heres the pics I promised.

$80.00 Reef Keeper Lite


Bags of corals
I canjust picture yote going into the restroom changeing into a camo outfit then stalking the mantis shrimp. no contest its over baby
I canjust picture yote going into the restroom changeing into a camo outfit then stalking the mantis shrimp. no contest its over baby

How do you know I didnt already have camo on? :wink:

I didnt though,the wife hadnt washed them yet :mrgreen:
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yote this isn't fair. How the heck do you get $5.00 corals!!!!

You wait until their taking their displays and packing up,and jew as hard as you can :bounce:
Of course it helped that the wife was with me.You know how wives can be,gripping cause your spending money,so that helped:D
You wait until their taking their displays and packing up,and jew as hard as you can :bounce:
Of course it helped that the wife was with me.You know how wives can be,gripping cause your spending money,so that helped:D

watta deal, and i thought my $4 polyps were good :mrgreen: