Yotes 125

pics look great! better than my camera phone :grumble: When it grows does it curve out horizontally like a cup or...chalice? :question:

From what I understand about em,the form they take depends on the water flow.

Thanks y'all.This is my first attemp at a Chalice so we'll see how it goes.
Heres a couple of new additions.
My first attemp at a blasto

And a purple/deep dark blue mushroom

And I plan to add more more this weekend.Got some OT saved up for the frag swap this weekend:D
that blasto looks awsome yote:Cheers: Goodluck with him how many fish do you have in that 125 now. Im finding i would rather stock the tank with fish first then start adding coral slowly:frustrat: But i could change my mind at anytime. You know how us reefers are :shock:
that blasto looks awsome yote:Cheers: Goodluck with him how many fish do you have in that 125 now. Im finding i would rather stock the tank with fish first then start adding coral slowly:frustrat: But i could change my mind at anytime. You know how us reefers are :shock:

I know how it is Joker:D Except I go for the corals.
I've got an atlantic blue tang,kole tang,dragon sleeper goby,red fairy wrasse,and one little bartletts anthias(the rest jumped out).I would add a few more of the bartletts,but every time I try to add em,they decide to go carpet surfing.:frustrat:
I think might be a Blastomussa merleti

Some Buttons that hitch hiked in from my old 75

My Candy Canes

My favorite Acro
Anybody want some branching coralline? I hate this stuff,it'll suck the calcium right outta your water.

That colony is a tad bigger than a golf ball.
Your photography skills have significantly improved Yote. I remember when you had a hard time using your new cam, looks like you've mastered it quite well :Cheers:
Your photography skills have significantly improved Yote. I remember when you had a hard time using your new cam, looks like you've mastered it quite well :Cheers:

WHA-CHEW talkin bout Game.I still have a hard time gettin decent pics:D
I've not figured out how to get the true colors yet,but I'm still playin around with it when I get home from work in time.
Hey Yote, your household must be very loud when your wife is yelling :frustrat:at you for being on the forum to make your fish :sfish:all want to commit carpet suicide:death: rather than listen to the yelling lol just kidding nice pics. im jealous of all your coral:bowdown: