Yotes 125

Haha. I know. I doubt I will ever be as knowledgable as you. But that's okay. Just something i will have to live with :)

I'm not so sure its being knowledgable,more like luck:D

Well,heres the pics I promised of my new addition.
Sarcophyton (Toadstool Leather)

I've decided to take my tank in a whole new direction and go with LPS and softies.Mainly because with my work schedule,I dont have time to keep everything stable enough to keep SPS long term.
And while I'm putting pics up,heres my Ricordia

Orange Zoanthids
GREAT pics Yote!

I love LPS. I wanna venture further into Acans.

I've failed miserably about 4 times with ANY leather, so I stay away from them. leathers = :death:.

And I'm afraid of SPS. Don't wanna spend the $ to watch something die.

ANNNYYYWAYS! Can't wait to see what you add next!
Thanks Brian.
Heres what you got to look forward to :D
This is the purple plague a.k.a. branching coralline

This crap will suck the calcium and bicarbonate right outta your water.
Thanks Evan.
SPS really aint that tough to keep,IF you got time to stay on top of your parameters.But I'm thinking stuff like Acans,Blastos,and Micros,along with the regular torches,frogspawns and stuff wont be as touchy when I'm working 14 hours days and dont have time to test and dose.
oh haha

thats crazy. any reason you have it growing in the first place? like something is high? or does it just mean you have an extra healthy tank and it wants to thrive too?
Well,Its IS coralline,so its a sign that everything is right in the tank.But it tends to out compete the corals for the calcium and bicarbonate because it grows so fast.
oh. well that good i guess. good luck with that. im just waiting for an algae bloom or something to happen during my cycle. its bound to happen.
Thanks Evan.
SPS really aint that tough to keep,IF you got time to stay on top of your parameters.But I'm thinking stuff like Acans,Blastos,and Micros,along with the regular torches,frogspawns and stuff wont be as touchy when I'm working 14 hours days and dont have time to test and dose.

I love my micros! There's a lot of frags I'd like to pickup from the LFS here of acans and blastos but it's crazy how much they are "per polyp"... gimme a break. "We've never see colors like these" I hear it all the time.
LIES!! Yote! I never had any in my new startup. That's now 6 months old. Don't believe him Brian! :mrgreen:

Actually, I lied, I got diatoms for about 2 days.
Well you gotta have the algae blooms to make sure that you dont get to just relax and watch the tank :mrgreen:
man, where can i get me some of that? i dont care, i'll do the testing and dosing, thats just a cool lookn fuzzy purple thing.. is it soft or hard? i'm guessing not soft if its using up calcium that fast....