What have you done to your reef tank today?

I went fishing and came home with 5 very cute Blue/Green Chromis only to find that a bulkhead fitting had broken and water was going everywhere! :frustrat:

About 6 hours later, :grumble:, I was back in business. What a PITA!!!

I had problems with this particular bulkhead when I first set up my tank, but I didn't investigate it thoroughly enough to discover why I was having a problem. Long story short, the new tank on the old stand didn't have quite the room needed for the overflow cut out. This was causing some binding on the return bulkhead and the nut just split!

Oh well, live and learn, right? :shock:

Anyway, I'm back in business. :^: The Chromis are having a blast running around with my Clown. He's acting like a tour guide for them.

I'm going to clean my tanks today. Got 12g of new salt water here all mixed up and adjusted for temp and salinity. I'll probably dump all of it into the 29g frag tank. With the sump and fuge volume thats about a 25% water change. The 30g display is going to get torn down when I move, so I don't care a whole lot about it right now.
Did a full spectrum water analysis earlier. :dunno: Sounds good, doesn't it?

Water change later today after the "Little Woman" gets home from work to assist.

Everybody has been fed and looks happy. :Cheers:

Sorry about your dino outbreak BIFF. That's a real PITA! :sad:

Checked my water today, tanks cycled! Finally moved everything over on timers so no more having to turn everything on and off manually. And I've switched my return pumps on to the wave maker to try and get rid of the micro bubbles.
changed out 5 gallons, cleaned the sand, and change sock. Have a local guy coming over to trade me his decent size favia for my zoas. I decided that I don't care all that much for zoos and want to go all LPS. The favia is 3"x5" and is red/purple with green eyes. Trading him my pink hearts, small frag of devils armor, dragon eyes, and a chunk of my orange ones. I have some more frags of the orange and dragons that I'll grow out and sell off.
Trimmed some acro frags out of the frag tank and glued them into the DT. Doing a 15 gal change later this afternoon. Who knows, maybe I'll even scrape some coralline off the glass!
Cleaned up the fuge, shook the chaeto and rotated it, replaced some pipes, and got hubby to make me something to hold my test tubes while I'm testing water.

Oh and played with the chromis -- kept trying to get them to swim the length of the tank instead of hanging around the one side all day Hehehehe.
Lets see I topped off the 22gal. With water from my new RO/DI filter! I also did a MAJOR water change on the 29gal, 13 gallons! I hooked up my new skimmer after going to Ace for parts. Testing the water now.
Just siphoned out a bunch of sand from my tank, going to change it with some fresh sand eventually, so over the next week I'm going to work on removing all the old sand.