What have you done to your reef tank today?

really i never change my timmers unless something gets unpluged and i lose a bunch of time.

and i am still making water for the new tank hopefully to day will be enough water.
Yep I forgot to spring forward too... Everything was still sleeping when I went to work this morning... I was sad I enjoy my 10mins of tank time in the morning before work... its not so fun with the lights off!!!
Got some new stuff in today, Refractometer, digital thermometer, 200w heater, and some sweet full length rubber gloves.
Checked my water, Ammonia was 1ppm, did a 25% water change, and scrubbed of some dead tunicates. And after that, I managed to catch a mantis shrimp and 3 gorilla crabs
I changed around my powerheads. I still dont like where they are at. Did a 10% water change nitrates still at 20. Knocked a snail from the top all the way back to the bottom of the tank. Wonder how long it will take him to climb back up?